JAKARTA The addiction to pornographic content has returned to the spotlight after the rape and murder cases in Palembang. The perpetrators, totaling four, were minors and were caught having several pornographic videos on their devices.

Safarudin will no longer be able to see his daughter, AA (13), who was killed. The victim was found dead at the Talang Kericil Public Cemetery, Palembang, South Sumatra on Sunday (1/9/2024).

Not long after, the police managed to win the perpetrator. The number is known to be four people, with the main perpetrator IS (16), and three other people namely MZ (13), NS (12), and AS (12). The victim is known to have been raped twice alternately by the four perpetrators in a lifeless condition.

From the results of the examination of the perpetrators, the police said that the motive of the four perpetrators for raping AA was because they wanted to channel their desires. This is because the perpetrator is said to be the police who are addicted to pornographic content.

Police statement stating that perpetrators are addicted to pornographic content should be an alarm for all. It has been a long time since the circulation of pornographic content has attracted the attention of various circles, especially children observers.

Talking about pornography, this is not something foreign to the ear. In the midst of the digital era like now, the spread of pornographic content is difficult to contain, so it is easily accessible to anyone, including children. This is certainly a complicated problem in society, and even serious handling is needed.

To VOI, clinical psychologist and forensic psychologist Kasandra Putranto said children who are exposed to pornographic content due to the lack of monitoring from their parents allow children to access inappropriate videos and information and make them interested in trying.

Meanwhile, psychologist Elly Risman said that if a child is exposed to pornography, it will suffer brain damage. According to him, brain damage due to the influence of pornography that is reflected in the engine of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the results are the same as damage to the car during a hard collision.

The Pree Frontal Cortex (PFC) part in the brain will be damaged when the child sees pornography. Whereas PFC is a center of value, moral, a place where planning the future, a place to regulate self-management. It is part of the brain of the upper right eyebrow that determines what a child will be. That's why PFC is also called the director who directed us.

"Pornography enters through the eyes, then goes directly to the center of feelings in the back of the brain or responds. So the child's feelings are nervous, lust, volatile, and dissatisfied when he sees pornographic content," said Elly Risman.

Furthermore, the response raises the hormone called dopamine. These hormones will issue substances that will make children feel happy, happy, happy, and make children addicted. This is where children will look at pornographic content repeatedly.

What is even worse, said Elly, is that pornographic addiction makes people become discentivized. Porn images that have been seen will not be seen again because they are considered to have no effect anymore, so what you want to see is more than before because the sense of sensitivity is lost. Therefore, pornographic addicts will always increase their addiction, such as climbing stairs, feeling more, more, and more.

"When a child sees pornography once, he wants two, three, four more times," said Elly Risman.

He added that pornographic images often pass through PFC, so the parts that store morals and value, make this life planning, will shrink, shrink and as a result, the push for sex will get out of control, because the eyes cannot be held back, the brain becomes damaged and addicted to sex.

Forensic psychologist from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Lucia Peppy said, in general, early childhood children to schools have a peculiarity in imitating. They, said Lucia, produce what they see.

"For example, if children see people hitting but their expressions smile, then his thoughts that hitting them make them happy. But because of their ability to control their emotions, morals, and social skills, it's not perfect, so they can't handle it well," said Lucia Peppy.

Overconsumption of pornographic or sexual content, said Lucia Peppy, will make her 'brain memory scene' filled with sexual activity. And when interacting with women can become aggressive. Especially for teenagers who are already stunned, the urge to engage in early sexual activity is very likely to occur due to addiction to pornographic content.

"It's like touching women's body parts or talking about being obscene. So the world is limited to sexual means only," he added.

Eliminating gadgets altogether for children is rather impossible, especially in today's era. For this reason, psychologist Halina Maulidha considers parents to control the use of gadgets on children and recognize the rankings or ratings of the games they play.

In addition, parents also need to understand the (sign) stated in online games so that it is easier to monitor whether the game or spectacle is safe for children or not. He gave an example, cartoon-shaped content is not necessarily right for children.

Karena juga ada sekarang cartoon yang berisi konten tentang LGBT hingga pornografi. Tampak visual sering kali membuhi, sehingga banyak tua yang tidak menyadari permainan atau tontonan anak yang ternyata kurang cocok untuk disaksikan anak-anak," katanya.

Therefore, he asked parents to continue to learn and know the games or shows they play or watch. If the content contained in the game or spectacle that is witnessed is not right for children, parents can educate their children and provide solutions by providing them with the right spectacle or game. By applying this, children can be protected from the influence of negative things.

"As a result, in the future quality teenagers will also be able to realize Indonesia Gold," he concluded.

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