JAKARTA Pope Francis' apoltholic visit should be a lesson for the Indonesian people in general, and officials in particular. What was shown by the supreme leader of Catholics was very different from what most officials in Indonesia displayed.

Indonesia became the first country Pope Francis visited during his academic visit to Asia Pacific for 11 days from September 3 to 13. The Holy Father landed in Indonesia on September 3, then left the country three days later to continue his journey to Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore.

The Pope's visit to Indonesia brought a message of peace and interfaith friendship. The Archbishop of Jakarta, Cardinal Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, explained the reason why Pope Francis was chosen by Indonesia as the first country on his 45th avatolic visit.

Suharyo said, the Pope considers Indonesia as a country that has privileges compared to other countries. This privilege is the diversity of Indonesia, various ethnicities, religions, races, and between groups with the concept of unifying Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

The soothing sight was shown by the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque, Prof. KH Nasaruddin Umar and Pope Francis during a photo together after the Interreligious Meeting or interfaith meeting at the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Thursday (5/9/2024). At that time, Grand Imam Nasaruddin kissed the forehead of the Father of the Pope, who was responded by kissing the hand of the Grand Imam.

But that's not the only moment that people are concerned about. Pope Francis also gave a positive example of simplicity shown through life, not just a sermon. Instead of taking a private jet, the Holy Father used the ITA Airways commercial plane from the Vatican to Jakarta.

The simplicity increased clearly during the journey from Soekarno Hatta Airport to the Vatican Embassy, and other activities in Jakarta. Pope Francis chose to ride the car used by the general public, Kijang Innova Zenix Hybrid and looked comfortable sitting next to the driver. He even chose to stay at the Vatican Embassy in Jakarta rather than a luxury hotel. In addition, the Pope's watch is also in the spotlight. He is seen wearing a black analog watch whose price is estimated at only hundreds of thousands of rupiah.

Pope Francis' simplicity is considered inversely proportional to a number of officials and family of officials in Indonesia. Not long ago, the youngest son of President Joko Widodo, Kaesang Pangarep, and his wife, Erina Gudono, drew criticism for showing off a luxurious lifestyle when visiting the United States.

The use of private jets at a rental price of billions of rupiah, eating bread for Rp. 400,000, and buying a tanker or baby train, which is estimated to cost tens of millions, was exhibited by Erina through her Instagram story.

What is even sad is that it was uploaded by Erina when Indonesia's situation was not doing well. Middle class groups whose numbers continue to decline, high layoffs (PHK), prices for basic commodities that continue to soar, thereby reducing people's purchasing power. In addition, the moment of Erina and Kaesang's trip to Uncle Sam's country with a private jet also occurred when almost all elements of society demonstrated in various regions rejected the DPR's plan to ratify the revision of the Pilkada Law.

Indeed, Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono are not the only officials or officials whose lives are hedon, far from being simple, even though this word is quite often echoed by his father, Jokowi. If you want to be described, there are many other officials who live with wealth in the midst of the difficult lives of the people below them.

Law and political observer Pieter C Zulkifli believes Pope Francis gave a positive example of living in simplicity. According to Pieter, the Highest Leader of the Catholic Church's visit to Indonesia brought a moral message to the nation of the country.

According to Pieter Zulkifli, the simplicity of the Pope's Sri is in contrast to the hedonical lifestyle and corrupt behavior that is often found among Indonesian officials. He also tried out the political elite and public officials reflected on the values held by Pope Francis in carrying out his duties.

" Pope Francis' diplomatic and academic visit to Indonesia is full of moral messages and calls for brotherhood, not only for Catholics, but also for all religious people one strong moral message, namely the simplicity exemplified by the Pope," Pieter Zulkifli said in his statement.

He continued, no one happens to be in the world. Even with the arrival of the leader of the Catholic Church to Indonesia. According to Pieter Zulkifli, the Pope whose real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio did not only come with extraordinary simplicity, but also gave a strong moral message in the midst of the rampant lifestyle of hedonism among officials and his family in Indonesia.

"Pope Francis, although it could have chosen luxury facilities such as private jets, the most luxurious rooms, or bullet-proof limousines, instead chose to travel by commercial plane, stay at the Vatican Embassy, and use a simple car, Kijang Zenith, without bullet-proof glass," he said.

According to Pieter Zulkifli, a khutbah of simplicity is not only expressed in words, but through concrete actions that touch the broth of many people, as Pope Francis did.

"The simplicity of the Pope is not just a symbol, but a strong message: true leadership is not measured by wealth or wealth, but from sincerity, service, and service to others," said Pieter Zulkifli.

The Pope showed that power does not have to come with luxury, but should be accompanied by humility and simplicity," Pieter said.

Pope Francis' simplicity is inversely proportional to the lifestyle of most officials in the country. Luxury cars, magnificent houses, and branded items are often a sign of the social status of officials in Indonesia.

Hopefully, Pope Francis' simplicity during his apoltholic visit to Indonesia can be an example for all. Whether it's the Indonesian people, or special officials.

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