JAKARTA - PT Industri Jamu and Pharmaceuticals Sido Muncul Tbk recorded revenues of IDR 3.33 trillion in 2020. This revenue was achieved as a positive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. How is the history of PT Sido Muncul, a company owned by Irwan Hidayat?
The history of Sido Muncul as a player in the herbal medicine industry that benefits the community and the environment started with the largest dairy business in Ambarawa, Semarang, Central Java. The business was initiated by a husband and wife, Siem Thian Hie and Rakhmat Sulistio.
This is where the history of Sido Muncul begins. In 1930, the couple started a bakery under the name Roti Muncul.
In the same year, Rakhmat Sulistio began concocting herbs for a cold. The herbal concoction is now widely known as Tolak Angin, a popular product under Sido Muncul.
Armed with the skills of Rakhmat Sulistio (Go Djing Nio) in processing herbs and spices, the two of them decided to open a herbal medicine business in Yogyakarta in 1935. Five years later, to be precise in 1940, Tolak Angin in the form of raw herb began to be marketed.
In 1951, Siem Thian Hie and Rakhmat Sulistio established a simple company called Sido Muncul. What does the name Sido Muncul mean? Quoting the company's official website, Sido Muncul means "A Realized Dream".
The company stands on Jalan Mlaten Trenggulun, Semarang, Central Java. Sido Muncul's business development continued to grow, until 1975, a Limited Liability Company was formed under the name PT Industri Jamu and Pharmaceuticals Sido Muncul.
Modern era
Although Siem Thiam Hie, who was born January 28, 1897, died on April 12, 1976. Even though his wife, Rakhmat Sulistio, born on August 13, 1897, who also died on February 14, 1983, Sido Muncul's greatness continued to advance.
Sido Muncul entered the modern era in 1997. That year, Sido Muncul built a modern herbal factory with an area of 30 hectares in Klepu, Bergas District, Ungaran. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X marked the construction of the factory under groundbreaking on 21 August 1997.
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November 11, 2000, Sido Muncul inaugurated a new factory. The inauguration was carried out by the Minister of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Indonesia Achmad Sujudi.
At the same time, Sido Muncul also received two certificates that aligned Sido Muncul with a pharmaceutical company: a Good Traditional Medicine Manufacturing Practice (CPOTB) certificate and a Good Medicine Manufacturing Method (CPOB).
Sido Muncul's Products

In 2004, Sido Muncul developed their products. In that year, they made more than 250 types of products.
Apart from Tolak Angin, Sido Muncul gave birth to other excellent products, namely Tolak Linu, Kuku Bima Energi, Alang Sari Plus, Sido Muncul Ginger Coffee, Kuku Bima Ginseng Coffee, Ginger Milk, Complete Herbal Jamu, and Tamarind Turmeric.
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In 2013, Sido Muncul developed their business. In that year, it was recorded that the company had 109 distributors spread across Indonesia.
The distribution of Sido Muncul is unlimited in the country. The company also exports products to a number of countries in Southeast Asia.
On 18 December 2013, Sido Muncul was then officially listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with the issuer code "SIDO".
Jumping to 2019, 274 Sido Muncul products have received halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). The March 6 certificate is divided into four types of products, namely herbs, supplements and supplement materials, beverages, and beverage ingredients, and candy.
*Read other information about BUSINESS or read other interesting articles from Didi Kurniawan and Yudhistira Mahabharata.
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