JAKARTA The mistake of reciting the letters F and V can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone, including the Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi. According to experts, this phenomenon of error is called the slip of the tongue.

The name Budi Arie is being discussed by netizens recently, after the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) was attacked by hackers who then asked for a ransom of up to Rp131 billion.

But this time the reason Budi Arie was in the spotlight was because of other things, namely that he was wrong in reciting the letter V to F. This happened during a working meeting of the Minister of Communication and Information with Commission I of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Central Jakarta, Thursday (27/6/2024).

"The following is detailed backup data. The number of VM or Virtual Machines backed up in Surabaya is 1,630 VM, 28.5 percent of the total capacity of 5,709 VM," said Budi Arie when clarifying the backup in front of Commission I of the DPR after the attack on PDNS in Surabaya some time ago.

In this explanation, in the first and second VMs, Budi Arie recited it withef em, while the last one was pronounced by Vi em.

Budi Arie's presentation immediately became the spotlight of netizens. Many questioned his abilities, because at the ministerial level he could misinterpret V and F.

"This father is to distinguish the letters F and V on the mention of VM alone cannot. What can be expected from the Minister of COMMUNICATION and INFORMATION?" write the account @nasiuduk11.

Meanwhile, other accounts are also confused by Budi Arie's words. "I'm talking about Virtual Machine or Family Mart, right?" said @shidqirifat19.

Abjad was first created by the Funisian Nation. For each sound in their language, they use a symbol. These symbols were then worn by the Greek, who named the first and second letters alpha and beta. The alphabet word means the alphabet comes from the two words.

Indonesia itself adopted the Latin alphabet, which consists of 26 letters as we know it today. Of the 26 letters consist of five vocal letters and 21 consonant letters. Vocal letters are also called life letters, namely A, I, U, E, and O. So the rest are consonant letters or dead letters.

Of the 21 consonants, there are 11 consonants that sometimes some individuals are wrong in reciting it, even now it is still common. But the most common problems are when reciting the F, P, and V consonants.

Not only pronunciation, many people are still wrong using F and V in writing, especially in absorption words. Examples are many who write active' even though the correct word is activists' which comes from English activistic'.

According to Doctor of Javanese Literature Kuna, a graduate of Leiden University, Revi Soekatno, in Latin and many other languages, the letters F and V have different pronunciations. The sound /f / is the sound of the tone of the tone of the lips of the voice, while /v / it reads the tone of the lips of the voice.

But in Indonesian, whether F and V are spoken like /f/or not infrequently even become /p/. Revi said this happened because in Dutch, especially Holland's dialect which has many speakers, the sound /v / said as soundless like /f /.

"So because we inherited the use of the Latin alphabet from the Netherlands and its pronunciation, in the end this was the influence of the Dutch," said Revi.

Another thing that might have happened to the Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie at that time was the slip of tonnegue or theyelo of the tongue, which in the Big Indonesian Dictionary has the wrong meaning of saying, incorrectly saying.

Slipping the tongue is the most common speech error due to unconsciousness. The occurrence of tongue slips is caused by cognitive difficulties and social factors. Cognitive difficulties occur due to several factors, lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, and difficulty speaking words.

Salah ucap can also occur when it is difficult to distinguish the letters F and V from a word usage, even though it is clear between F (read: ef) and V (read: V).

According to experts, this error can happen anytime, anywhere, and anyone else. In general, this is actually not a big problem and can happen due to accident. The speaker may even be unconscious of having made a mistake. However, this mistake can also be caused by fatigue, fatigue, lack of attention or because it is too emotional.

Mahmud Fasya said, an anthropolinguistic expert at the University of Indonesian Education, actually does not need to be surprised or feel funny if someone cannot pronounce letters correctly, as shown by Budi Arie Setiadi.

"Because the number of sounds in each language is different," Mahmud explained.

He also gave an example of how Batak people had difficulty reciting the sound of Eu or Javanese who called Bandung with a reservoir because they had difficulties with the sound B. Balinese people also called Mahmud had difficulty reciting the letters F, V, and T.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)