JAKARTA Lebaran holidays are often used by filmmakers to release their latest works in theaters. Two horror films entitled Saksa Kubur and Badarawuhi in Penari Village are competing to steal the attention of the audience since its release on the second day of Eid al-Fitr, April 11, 2024.

Saksa Grave is a film directed by Joko Anwar, while Badarawuhi in Penari Village is directed by Kimo Stamboel, who is also working on the film KKN in Penari 2: Badarawuhi Village.

However, the number of viewers of these two films until the fifth day of broadcast is still below two million. Whereas the previous film of the two filmmakers was the highest-grossing horror film at the time.

The film Saksa Kubur and Badarawuhi has indeed been eagerly awaited by horror film lovers in the country. After one week of its broadcast, the two films are still widely discussed by netizen X, who was previously named Twitter.

With the keywords of grave and sadarawuhi, Netray Media Monitoring found tens of thousands of uploads this week.

In detail, the word badarawuhi is more widely referred to as a total of 20,900 tweets, while the grave between you is mentioned in 17,500 tweets. However, the number of impressions of uploads about grave torture is more numerous than Badarawuhi, "saidNetray.

Uploads about these two films have been raised by many official accounts from the production house or director's account. Like the pictures below, many tweets related to Badarawuhi Film were uploaded by Twitter account @KKNMovie, @MdPictures, to @MDEntertainment. Meanwhile, uploads about the film Saksa Kubur were uploaded by the director, namely @jokoanwar.

Although it is quite interesting and widely discussed by netizens, uploads related to the two keywords are dominated by negative sentiment compared to positive ones. Badarawuhi's film gained 6,200 negative tweets or 30 percent of the total tweet.

The film prequel KKN Penari Village is considered a failure by many audiences, because it is considered less answering the questions of the audience about Badarawuhi or about the mystery of Penari Village. Although technically it is considered better than the KKN of Penari Village, the storyline Badarawuhi is considered to fail to convey the storyline.

Meanwhile, positive tweets are dominated by uploading praise from netizens regarding visuals that are more epic than their prequels. In addition, netizens also praised the selection of actors who were deemed appropriate and could have a scary effect on the depiction of the Badarawuhi.

According to theNetray report, positive sentiment uploads about this film were only found in 3,600 tweets or 17 percent of the total uploads.

Similar to Badarawuhi, Joko Anwar's film also gains a lot of negative sentiment from netizens. A total of 7,400 uploads or 42 percent of the total tweets are negative tweets. Wargnet criticized the storyline or plot of the story which was considered unclear. In addition, Joko Anwar's film this time is considered too slow to go through the story.

"Residents also criticized the 'gore' scene presented by the Saksa Kubur film which even disturbed the netizens' psyche after watching it," saidNetray.

Overall, these two keywords are dominated by neutral sentiment uploads. Judging from the previous statistics, the keyword "badadarawuhi" is that 52 percent of uploads are neutral, while from here the grave gets 45 percent of the total mention. This is found in many uploads containing theories and spoilers from netizens.

Released on the same day, the two horror films from these two well-known directors have interesting marketing strategies. MD Entertainment not only marketed its films in Indonesia, but also began to penetrate the international arena. Badarawuhi held a gala premiere at the IMAX MCA studio, Wesfield Century City, Los Angeles on April 4 last week.

Manoj Punjabi as a producer hooked Lionsgate to help distribute his film in Uncle Sam's country. The film is rumored to be showing in several US theaters starting April 26, 2024.

Meanwhile, Joko Anwar did not provide a special strategy for his film this time. However, the trailer for the film using the background song entitled If Time Ends from Opick, it has succeeded in attracting the audience's interest which is made curious about the storyline.

In addition, Joko Anwar's covert marketing that attracted public attention was related to his upload on X which invited MSMEs to use the film logo as merchandise.

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