JAKARTA Ivan Gunawan and Saipul Jamil are angry with netizens for taking sexual violence lightly. Activists who are anti-sexual violence consider the actions taken by the two Indonesian artists to be disgusting.

Recently, a video of a halalbihalal event held by Ivan Gunawan with a number of people circulated. In the video, Ivan Gunawan is seen holding a quiz with THR prizes in the form of cash.

But one thing that eventually made netizens angry when the designer asked a question, 'Who is the artist who has had a sexual abuse case?'

This Ivan gunawan should be more wise... Don't give exposure to Saipul Jamil. he should be banned for his entire care in the entertainment and showbiz industry. No wonder you get reprimanded @KPI_Center pic.twitter.com/vvJ41QtDo6

What is even sad, is not only Ivan Gunawan's nickname, who laughed when he saw Saipul Jamil appear, but also the people who were present at the event. Laughing as if the case of sexual violence was a joke that deserved to be a joke.

The video was then discussed by netizens and almost all of them sneered at Ivan Gunawan's behavior, Saipul Jamil, and those in the video.

"It doesn't stop thinking like this, how can you make jokes," said the account @peringkatdua.

Halalbihalal video of Ivan Gunawan and Saipul Jamil has already circulated on social media and has also arrived at the observers of female issues and anti-sexual violence activists Poppy Diharjo. He immediately poured his anger on his Instagram account. Poppy felt that she ran out of words because the case of sexual abuse by Saipul Jamil eight years ago was even used as quiz material by Ivan Gunawan.

"The absence makes various kinds of flavors appear. Why? Because for me what feels the most is disgusting," said Poppy Dihardjo in a video on her Instagram account @poppydihardjo.

"Because this is again talking about cases of sexual violence that have been tried. The verdict has been issued. The person is imprisoned. Which means it has been proven (wrong) like that," he added.

In his uploaded video, Poppy not only mentions Ivan and Saipul as celebrities with minimal empathy for sexual abuse victims. He also highlighted the response of the people present at the event because it was clearly seen laughing at Ivan Gunawan's jokes.

Poppy menjelaskan, hal ini membuktikan bahwa masyarakat secara tidak sadar berkontribusi menelangi masalah kekerasan seksual.

"How come you can be excited to laugh at hearing jokes about sexual violence? How come people who have been proven to be perpetrators of sexual violence against individual children are'stupid' with tightness?" said Poppy.

"Yes, that's Indonesia, isn't it? Sometimes our people don't realize that we contribute to creating these kinds of'monsters' by continuing to give space for stupid 'brands' like this," he said.

The existence of Saipul Jamil, who still has enough existence in the entertainment world, has indeed raised questions. He was officially named a suspect in the alleged molestation case against a minor with the initials DS in February 2016. He was sentenced to three years in prison by the North Jakarta District Court. The verdict for his molestation case was also increased by the Jakarta High Court to five years.

He then received an additional three years in prison for being proven to have bribed the panel of judges through his lawyer. Of the total eight years in prison, he was released on September 2, 2021 after receiving 30 months remission.

The moment when the artist was born on July 31, 1980, was highlighted by a number of circles. Saipul Jamil was warmly welcomed by getting a flower necklace to become a guest star on television.

The glorification of Saipul Jamil's freedom at that time opened the phenomenon that additional sanctions were needed in the form of restrictions on movement in public spaces at a certain time for former perpetrators of sexual crimes.

Siri Aminah Tardi, Commissioner of Komnas Perempuan, is of the opinion that restrictions on movement in public spaces are aimed at preventing former perpetrators from accessing public spaces and jobs where they can access children.

These restrictions can be carried out, one of which is by conducting surveillance and also issuing announcements on sites managed by the state so that interested parties know.

"So that institutions or agencies that will recruit can check and know someone's background," said Aminah.

Some people may wonder why perpetrators of sexual violence, or other crimes, are still on stage in Indonesia. In contrast to public figures abroad who experienced a decline in post-terror careers containing legal problems.

The phenomenon of cancel culture or boycott is often carried out by outsiders as a form of punishment for those perpetrators of crimes. An example is netizens who ganged up on veteran Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein after his sexual harassment case was revealed.

But this did not happen in the country, at least that was what happened to Saipul Jamil. Never mind being canceled, his moment of release even received a lively welcome like a hero. He also became a guest star on television. At that time, only a handful of people openly rejected the presence of Dewi Perssik's ex-husband, one of whom was director Angga Dwimas Sasongko who stopped all discussions on the distribution agreement between the film Nussa and the Cemara Family and the television station related to Saipul Jamil's glorification.

"Facing the presence of Saiful Jamil on television in a way that does not respect the victim, we have stopped all talks on the distribution agreement for the film Nussa & Keluarga Cemara with the relevant TV station because it does not share the same value as our child-friendly work," Angga said in a statement via his Twitter account, which is now called X.

Professor of Sociology at Gadjah Mada University, Sunyoto Usman, said that the cancel culture in Indonesia is still an urban phenomenon, because it only involves a small group of people with good access and digital literacy.

The 'urban phenomenon, a bit elitist. This is a digital divide problem, we are still high, Indonesia. Big cities outside Java can still not be facilitated properly either. Maybe Jakarta or the big cities of Java, so if the trend is possible, it will develop in big cities like that," he explained.

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