JAKARTA - Drug abuse is a crucial problem for a nation. This is because health issues are not the only thing that is of concern related to the dangers of narcotics, but also social impacts that cannot be underestimated.

The news of narcotics abuse has spread again recently, although actually drugs are never empty of interest. Artists in the 1990s Ibra Azhari was again arrested by the West Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday (3/1/2024) night due to drug problems. This is not the first time Ayu Azhari's brother has dealt with the law because of a drug case.

The 54-year-old man has previously been arrested five times for using drugs. For the last arrest, Ibra Azhari tested positive for using methamphetamine.

"Earlier, we had just carried out a health check and a urine check. That the results of the positive urine check were methamphetamine and amphetamine," said Deputy Head of Drugs Commissioner Retno Jordanus to reporters, Friday (5/1/2024).

Drug problems in Indonesia seem endless. The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) said drug users tend to continue to increase. Moreover, drug users are not limited to just urban communities, but also into rural communities.

Drug users also not only target certain social classes, but also cover all levels of society. And what is sadder is that the longer drug users are not only for those who are wealthy, even the poor who use drugs. Drug users know no age, know no profession, know no rich or poor.

Quoting Kompas, based on data from the Indonesia Drug Report 2022, the BNN Data and Information Research Center, in 2019, the prevalence of drug users in Indonesia was 1.80 percent. Then 2021 is around 1.95 percent, an increase of 0.15 percent. In total, from the age range of 15-64 years, there are about 4.8 million villagers and cities that have used drugs. This figure increased from the previous year around 4.5 million people.

Ibra Azhari is definitely not the only person who has stumbled back and forth on drugs. Recently Ammar Zoni was also involved in drug cases for the third time.

Why does it seem difficult for people who are caught in drugs to escape the entanglement of these illicit goods?

Citing the Rehab page, although not everyone using illegal drugs will continue to be addicted, there are some people who physically depend on these substances. This is because drugs change brain function and over time, the body of the exposed person will expect the presence of these substances.

"The brain will adapt to the presence of drugs and will produce fewer chemicals that provide a sense of comfort than when someone first started taking the drugs," the page wrote.

The more drugs are consumed, the more individuals will depend on the drug, which can quickly lead to addiction. This is why drug addiction is so difficult to overcome.

Meanwhile, forensic psychologist Reza Indragiri Amriel emphasized that repeated drug cases could occur due to less than optimal handling. Reza did not deny that narcotics, psychotropic substances, and other addictive substances, both natural and synthetic substances, including cigarettes, (NAPZA) are common enemies that must be fought.

But Reza said, when there is a case of drug abuse recidivism, don't rush to accuse the perpetrators of your finger and give boisterous applause to the relevant authorities.

"Cases of drug abuse recidivism may actually open a trap for handling drug abuse in our country," Reza said via text message to VOI.

He revealed a number of arguments. According to Rezarelapse or the recurrence of drug abuse is caused by several factors.

First, because the problem of drug dependence is overcome by also providing medicines. This has the potential to cause interaction between drugs or reactions to unexpected drugs.

Second, Reza highlighted classical treatment. Uniform treatment between drug abusers, and not paying enough attention to individual conditions for each person. Apart from undergoing rehabilitation, the world at the treatment center is ideal.

"As a result, users do not have the ability to return to an outside world that is far from ideal," said Reza again.

Finally, what causes people to find it difficult to escape from drug bondage is because the actual treatment has not been completed, but in the habitator it must be removed from the center due to limited time, budget, and the next abuser has queued to ask for treatment.

"As a result, when someone is arrested again for using NAPZA again, I choose to ask, 'Actually, how serious and complete has the state rehabilitated that person in the previous time?' said Reza lgi.

Previously, the Head of the BNN Public Relations and Protocol Bureau, Brigadier General Sulistyo Pudjo Hartono, said that the condition of people who had been drug addicts actually could not recover completely even though they had been undergoing rehabilitation.

"If people have made drugs, how can they recover 100 percent? Some of the nerves have been damaged," he told reporters, citing Antara.

Sulistyo said, people who have been involved in drug abuse will not be able to recover or return to normal 100 percent, as people who have been exposed to drugs. According to him, the abuse of narcotics has left a detrimental impact on the body, especially the brain. He also invited the public to stay away from and participate in fighting drugs.

"Hope for all people to stay away from drugs. Don't try, don't use it. Because when you use it, it's difficult to be normal again," said Harayayo emphasized.

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