JAKARTA The presidential candidate number two Prabowo Subianto has returned to being the subject of public talks, because he said 'impulsive ethics' in a closed meeting.

A video circulated on social media showing Prabowo alluding to the contents of the first debate for the presidential candidate for the 2024 General Election on December 12, 2023.

In the video, Prabowo jokes about questions from other presidential candidates directed at him regarding ethical issues.

Gemoy 'Ndasmu etik pic.twitter.com/x16YWorFo6

"How do Mas Prabowo feel about ethics? Ethics, ethics, ethics. What do you know about ethics," said Prabowo, who was greeted with applause and laughter from the meeting participants.

Deputy Golf Commander of the National Campaign Team (TKN) Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Lisman Hasibuan, confirmed that the sentence was uttered by the number two presidential candidate at the Gerindra Party National Coordination Meeting at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, some time ago.

However, Lisman emphasized that Prabowo's words were only pleasing to party cadres.

Shortly after the circulation of the video, the public immediately agreed that it was intended to insinuate Anies Baswedan, a competitor to Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 presidential election.

Because previously, during the first debate the Presidential Candidate number one asked Prabowo directly about the decision of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK). The Constitutional Court appointed several constitutional judges to violate ethical rules when deciding the application for judicial review related to the age of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates. The judicial review became the applicant for Gibran to run as a vice presidential candidate.

Prabowo's words 'criticism' caused a polemic. Anies' assistant in the 2024 presidential election, Muhaimin Iskandar, responded by saying ethical positions are the same as law. According to the man who is familiarly called Cak Imin, success in state administration is due to ethics.

"One of the successes of our state administration is that it is ethical, ethical is the same position as the law, for what reason? Because the ethics of state administration and state law of state administration are equal so that everything goes more objectively. Therefore, don't underestimate ethics," said Cak Imin after attending the Gathering of the Leadership of the Ta'lim Council in Bekasi Regency, Monday (18/12/2023).

Meanwhile, Lisman emphasized that the words were just jokes and were not shown to anyone. Meanwhile, Prabowo Subianto considered the statement as normal and did not need to be exaggerated.

"I think the public can judge. Look at Prabowo-Gibran from his programs," said Lisman.

Even though it has recently gone viral, maybe not many people really understand the meaning of 'criticism'. In Javanese, it has the meaning of head, according to Javanese language phylogists from Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Supardjo. However, according to Supardjo, Katandas can have a connotation as a harsh word.

That's because thendas is a Javanese word that has the lowest level. The head in the Javanese language or the second level is usually called the Sirrah, while the Javanese language of inggil head is called mustaka.

Words in the Javanese language of ngoko, such as those used by Prabowo Subianto, are usually intended to refer to animals, children, or people who are younger. Meanwhile, words in Javanese are polite and inggil is used for older people.

Diksi di dalam penggunaannya sesuai dengan unggahan-ungguh (sikap pribadi). Penggunaannya yang akan memperbedahui nanti, kata Supardjo, mengutip Kompas.

Still according to Supardjo, the use of the word ndas is often considered to have a rough meaning and is used to address someone. He said that Javanese people have a habit of using the name of the body part of the neck up in Javanesengoko to show things that are not good.

The word in Javanese has a different meaning, depending on the intonation of the word. (Unsplash/Brett Jordan)

However, words in Javanese can have a different meaning if spoken in a certain context, even though the writing is the same. One of them can distinguish one of them is the tone of speech and to whom the word is spoken.

If the word is pronounced in a high tone and intonation, a rough expression, then the word has a negative meaning. In addition, a word can also have negative meaning when delivered to ward off criticism, it is said directly to people who criticize, and delivered in harsh tones.

"That is conveyed in the language of ngoko in a high tone with an unpleasant, bad, rough connotation," he explained.

Meanwhile, if the word is spoken only between peers and in the context of jokes and with good intonation, then the word can have a positive meaning.

"It can also mean 'closely', (said among) old friends, the situation is not attacking each other, joking," he concluded.

As a public figure, it is certain that all the actions of Prabowo Subianto have received public attention. Moreover, he currently has the status of someone who will compete in the 2024 presidential election.

According to a lecturer at the FIKOM Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), Heryadi Silvianto in the column at Kompas.com, a real word or sentence when used in a situation has meaning and interpretation, cannot be free of value, as it is, and lack of risk.

"For those who are elected, it is appropriate to complete themselves choosing words and measuring taste," wrote Heryadi.

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