JAKARTA The case of the murder of a mother and child in Subang, which had been drowned for two years, has become a conversation for the past week.

The police finally managed to uncover the murder cases that killed Tuti Suhartini (55) and Amalia Mustika Ratu (23) in Subang, West Java, after not showing clarity since 2021.

The murder of the mother and child only came to light after M Ramdanau surrendered and revealed the other four perpetrators to the police.

Apart from Danu, the Director of General Crimes (Dirkrimum) of the West Java Police, Kombes Pol Surawan, has named four other suspects in this case, namely Yosep Hidayah (Tuti's husband), Mimin Mintarsih (Yosep's second wife), and Arighi Reksa Pratama and Abi (Mimin's son) on October 18, 2023.

This case had seized public attention, when mother and child were found dead in a trunk of a car in Ciseuti Hamlet, Jalan Cagak Village, Jalan Cagak District, Subang Regency, on August 18, 2021.

What surprised the public was when the police called Yosep the executor of the murder. That means, Yosep has the heart to kill his own wife and children.

Even though at the funeral of Tuti and Amalia two years ago, Yosep looked devastated. His tears broke when his wife and children were buried at the Istuning Public Cemetery (TPU) on Jalan Cagak, Subang, West Java.

According to psychologist Tika Bisono, it is not impossible for Yosep to have a mental disorder like a psychopath or a psychopath. One of the characteristics of a psychopath or death is to be manipulative like what Yosep did at the funeral.

Manipulative behavior is an attitude aimed at manipulating other people. In other words, manipulation is an effort by a person to influence the behavior, attitudes, and opinions of others without being realized by that person.

However, Tika said, to determine whether a person belongs to a psychopath or a psychopath, an in-depth assessment is still needed.

"People who are psychopaths or Amazers can be as normal as possible, can show a perfect facepoker, can pretend to cry even though he did it. This is a manipulative personality, and is a characteristic of a psychopath or a liar," Tika Bisono told VOI.

"Usually after a forensic psychological examination, these symptoms are found," continued Tika.

To the Danu police, one of the suspects in the murder, admitted that he witnessed how another suspect tortured Amelia to death on the day of the incident. Torturing someone sadistically, let alone causing death is not something that people without mental disorders can do.

Tika said, every human being actually has a positive side and a negative side. These are two sides that usually come normally. But it becomes abnormal when negative impetus controls the human mind.

At a fairly severe level, when this negative push is bigger than a positive boost, it can cause humans to behave psychopathically or excessively.

But Tika explained, this psychopathic and lecherous behavior was not just born. Family parenting in the past can trigger someone to become a psychopath.

"People who tend to be manipulative, have a psychoppath personality, asociopath personality, and criminal mind usually triggered by what kind of family background it is," added this senior psychologist.

"Usually, although not always, begins with a series of bad events that he experienced in the past. These bad events are not psychologically assessed, they do not get psychological intervention so they accumulate over time," Tika explained.

Then, why can humans carry out such sadistic torture without feeling guilty?

Tika said, a series of unpleasant events in the past that have continued to accumulate can make a person 'blind'. Emotional outbursts of someone who stores trauma can occur at any time, when something is a trigger or trigger.

"When there was a trigger, who responded not to him who was now, but emotional and had negative trauma in the past," he said.

"So there was a blind explosion of emotion. This happened because of a pile of emotions, so he didn't feel guilty, didn't feel sorry, because there was a pile of anger from the past."

Lalu Tika menambahkan, Sebenarnya tidak ada orang yang mau seperti ini, tapi semua ini terjadi akibat pajak yang salah. Ada peristiwa traumatic yang tidak selesai.

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