JAKARTA - The hashtag (hashtag) boycotting PT TIKI, Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) route became a trending topic on Twitter last weekend. Citizens are busy calling for movements to stop using JNE services. The call began with the upload of a video greeting for JNE's 30th birthday from the Secretary General of the HRS Center, Ustaz Haikal Hassan Baras.
The result of the upload provoked netizens to associate JNE with the term kadrun and accused JNE of supporting Ustadz Haikal Hasan. Unfortunately, the upload disappeared after being heavily retweeted by Twitter users.
JNE President Director Mohammad Feriadi spoke out regarding the netizen's accusations. JNE emphasized that this company purely only conducts business in the field of goods delivery services.
"We emphasize that JNE is a neutral organization, not affiliated with any organization or group or individual. JNE also does not want to get into sara-related issues. And we (JNE), just want to do business," he said in a press conference at Jetski Kafe. , Pantai Mutiara, Pluit, North Jakarta, Wednesday, December 16.
Feriadi also emphasized that his party only wants to help small and medium enterprises (UKM) and the community for the distribution of goods. This includes helping orphans, blind people, widows, the poor and the poor.
"We (JNE) in doing business need to be noted, we just want blessings," he said.
Haikal Hassan Does Not Own JNE SharesVP of Marketing of PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Eri Palgunadi ensures that Haikal Hassan is not a shareholder in JNE. In fact, Haikal has never had any relationship with JNE.
"So there has never been a connection with Haikal Hassan in company shares," he said.
Eri explained that JNE was founded by the late Suprapto Suparno and is currently led by Muhammad Feriadi as President Director, and Chandra Fireta and Edi Santoso as directors.
On the same occasion, the President Director of JNE, Mohammad Feriadi, said that currently JNE shares are pocketed by six people. Where one of the shareholders represents the Suprapto Suparno family.
"The shares are also held by Johari Zein, currently the company's commissioner and Chandra Fireta, the company's director. Then there are three other shareholders, namely Marselinus Kuncoro Adi, Hui Mariawati and Mirta Akbari," he said.
Meanwhile, JNE Hotman Paris' attorney confirmed that Haikal Hassan did not own shares and was not active as a manager in the company.

"So in conclusion, Haikal Hassan does not have a single share, is not active as a manager, not even active in any business activities of JNE," he said.
There is a certain motivation to drop JNEJNE's attorney, Hotman Paris, said that he talked about negative comments sent to his client companies. Hotman suspects that there is a certain motivation to bring down JNE. This is due to the massive attack on JNE related to the video greeting Ustaz Haikal Hassan's birthday.
"The problem is that there is too much gossip in groups. And surely if there is no motivation it will not be that aggressive (attacking him)," he said.
This was agreed by the President Director of JNE, Mohammad Feriadi. He said that the issue that was developing regarding his company being affiliated with a mass organization was an issue that was deliberately exploited by certain parties.
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"We see that this issue is indeed taking advantage of the moment where the political temperature is heating up. But I also need to convey it here, in December there is a date where on that date, namely 12.12 logistics companies will definitely wait for that date," said Feriadi.
Furthermore, Feriadi said, on that date is the national online shopping day (Harbolnas), where many online businesses offer many promos for consumers.
"We suspect. Once again we suspect that this is all related to business competition," he said.

But unfortunately, when asked by Hotman whether JNE already knew who the business competitors were who deliberately raised the issue, Feriadi admitted that he did not know for sure.
"Not yet (know). But there are indications (business competition). We see it seems that way," he explained.
JNE Freight Traffic Instead of Growing 15 PercentDespite receiving negative comments, even to the point of being accused of being affiliated with a particular community organization (ormas), it turns out that this has no impact on JNE's business.
President Director Mohammad Feriadi said the negative sentiment arising from the video upload had no impact on reducing the company's freight traffic. In fact, the company recorded a growth of up to 15 percent.
"There was absolutely no decline in business in December. The growth was 10 to 15 percent for this month," he said.
Likewise, VP of Marketing of PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Eri Palgunadi said, when compared to the same period in 2019, this year JNE is still growing 25 percent.
"Compared to last year, we still grew 25 percent. It's still high. We have grown above 25 percent for almost 5 consecutive years. But if asked this month we still grew 15 percent," he explained.

Eri denied that his company collapsed due to negative attacks related to Haikal Hassan's 30th birthday congratulations video for JNE.
"So if you say collapse and bankruptcy is not at all. In fact, we are still growing. Right now it is the end of the year. We also do not lay off any employees," he said.
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