JAKARTA - Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo has been arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on suspicion of corruption in the export of lobster seeds or fry. The lobster seed export policy was highlighted from the start. Edhy removed the policy of the previous minister, Susi Pudjiastuti, which prohibited the export of lobster seeds. Apart from exporting lobster seeds, what other policy did Edhy remove from Susi?

There are at least three key policies that Edhy scorched from the Susi era. The entire elimination of the policy, said Edhy, was carried out to remove obstacles to the business world and at the same time emphasize the side of small fishermen.

Edhy said business certainty was needed for the fisheries and fishermen industries. According to Edhy, all revisions to regulations at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries have also been carried out through thorough studies.

1. Open the lobster seed export door
Lobster (Instagram / @ edhyprabowo)

In the era of his leadership, Susi Pudjiastuti issued Ministerial Regulation (Permen) Number 56 of 2016 concerning the Prohibition of Catching and / or Exporting Lobster, Crab and Crab from Indonesia.

Susi views that the export of lobster seeds is not profitable because it is unable to increase the selling value. In addition, Susi wants lobsters to breed in Indonesian oceans.

In contrast to Susi, Edhy considers the ban on lobster seed exports to be detrimental to fishermen. Edhy said the policy of removing the ban on lobster seed exports had been studied and through discussions with fishermen.

Edhy also revealed the high number of lobster seed smuggling. So, instead of rampant smuggling, why don't exports reopen to facilitate control.

"We involve the community to be able to cultivate (lobster). The outcome will make it prosperous," said Minister Edhy in a written statement.

"There are 13 thousand fishermen who depend on their livelihood from looking for lobster seeds. This is actually a matter of debate, because due to the prohibition of exports they cannot eat. They have no income. This is actually our main consideration," said Edhy.

2. No longer sinking the fishing thief boats
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries officers ambush a fish thief boat (Instagram / @ edhyprabowo)

Another policy that Edhy Prabowo removed was the most populist of Susi Pudjiastuti, namely the sinking of fishing boats. In Edhy's era, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries changed the rule, that only fishing vessels that escape from ambushes are drowned.

Under Edhy, ships that have been caught need to be prosecuted. And the ship whose case has received a legal decision will be handed over to local fishermen for use.

For Edhy, it is much more useful. Although he admits that he understands that the sinking of ships is an effort to assert sovereignty, Edhy feels that this step is not sufficient to improve marine management.

"If it's just drowning, it's small for me. It's not that I'm afraid. Nothing (fear). We are never afraid of foreign fishermen. But don't be arbitrary with our own fishermen," said Edhy.

"We will submit this to the fishermen. All of our fishermen's abilities are recorded. There are several court results that have been destroyed. But, we will see that what will be destroyed is still possible to be confiscated by the state and repaired for fishermen or something," he said.

He has coordinated the initiative to grant fish thieves boats to local fishermen, said Edhy, with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and the Attorney General's Office.

3. Allow cantrang fishing gear
Photo illustrations (Instagram / @ edhyprabowo)

This policy is no less controversial. Cantrang has long been abandoned by the international community. Susi, during his leadership, emphasized through the Permen.

The regulations in question are Permen No. 2 of 2015 and Permen KP No. 71/2016. Apart from cantrang, the ban imposed in 2018 also prohibits 16 other fishing gear deemed to be damaging to the marine environment.

Edhy removed the ban. Such as the elimination of the ban on lobster seed exports, the elimination of the cantrang ban, said Edhy, has also gone through a number of studies.

Edhy said, he heard the opinion of a number of parties who said that the use of cantrang did not completely damage the environment. The condition is that cantrang can only be used in the sea which is basically sand or mud.

Then what about the sea based on coral reefs? Edhy said, using the cantrang in the sea with coral reefs will actually tear the cantrang, not damage the coral reef.

In addition, Edhy saw the magnitude of the impact of the cantrang ban on traditional fishermen. Therefore, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries under Edhy conducted zoning mapping.

Meanwhile, the lifting of the cantrang ban was prepared based on the results of the follow-up study by the Minister of KP Number B.717 / MEN-KP / 11/2019 concerning the Study of the Maritime and Fisheries Sector Regulations.

Why did it change?

Then, what is the ideal in Edhy's eyes? For Edhy, what needs to be encouraged now is communication with fishermen. This should be a priority to improve aquaculture. In addition, Edhy also prioritized improving the licensing bureaucracy.

Susi Pudjiastuti herself has responded to a number of policies that were abolished during the Edhy era. Susi respects Edhy's decision. According to Susi, all the policies he made were aimed at guarding President Jokowi's vision and mission to make Indonesia the world's maritime axis and make the sea the future of the nation.

Even when Edhy changed policies in his era, Susi was sure that this step was taken with the same goal. Susi said that a change in policy may be needed because the vision and mission of the Jokowi administration has changed during the Forward Indonesia Cabinet period.

"Maybe the mission has changed now, yes. I don't know. In principle, the minister works for the vision and mission of the President. The sea for the future of the nation. I carry out the President's vision and mission," said Susi.

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