Acting On The Trans Sumatra Road, The Gang Robbed The Expedition Car, Sandra The Driver And Beat Thousands Of Cellphones
Team of Resmob Ditreskrimum Polda Jambi (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - The Resmob Team of the Directorate of Criminal and Criminal Investigation of the Jambi Regional Police arrested 3 members of a gang of robbers of 1,245 cellphones in Muaro Jambi Regency, last Sunday, January 17.

The perpetrators arrested were Rudi (30), a resident of Purwodadi Village, South Lampung Regency, M Safix (34), a resident of 7 Ulu Village, Palembang City and Amri (37), a resident of Dusun IV, Pipa Putih Village.

Director of Criminal Investigation of Polda Jambi Kombes Kaswandi Irwan said that after taking action the perpetrators fled to Lampung and South Sumatra Provinces. The officers were divided into two teams to arrest them.

First, the arrest team in Lampung Province was led by the Head of Resmob, Kompol Priyo Purwanto, and the second team made arrests in the Province of South Sumatra led by the Resmob Committee Ipda Rifki Abdillah.

The perpetrator hijacked an expedition car on the Jakarta-Pekanbaru-Riau route. On the way, on Jalan Lintas Sumatera, Muaro Jambi Regency, the car was stopped. The driver was held in a car box while the robbers carried the contents.

"The perpetrators were in action 5 people by stopping the expedition car carrying the cellphone, after successfully taking the cellphone away, the car driver was taken hostage and tied up by the perpetrator in the car box," said Kaswandi Irwan as reported by Antara, Friday, March 5.

The car had indeed been followed when it entered Palembang. Once in Jambi, the perpetrator became violent and stopped the car. After the cellphone robbery, the 5 perpetrators immediately fled to Lampung and South Sumatra Provinces.

The perpetrators Rudi and Safix were arrested in Lampung Province, Tanjung Bintang Village, and for the perpetrators Amri was arrested in South Sumatra Province, Ogan Ilir Regency. The rest of the other perpetrators are being chased and have entered the wanted list.

During the arrest, the officers confiscated a number of pieces of evidence from the hands of the perpetrators. Among them, one box contains 20 units of Xiaomi cellphones, Redmi 9, one unit of black Nokia cellphones, one unit of Xiaomi Redmi 9 cellphones, one brown leather wallet containing ID cards, 41 units of Xiaomi cellphones complete with boxes, and 11 units of Xiaomi cellphones without boxes. .

For their actions, the three perpetrators were subject to Article 365 of the Criminal Code with the threat of a sentence of more than 7 years in prison.

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