Even Though It Is Too Late, Paslon No. 1 Pilkada Sabu Raijua Submits A Lawsuit To MK Regarding Citizenship Orient Riwu Kore
Adhitya Nasution (batik), attorney for Paslon 1 Sabu Raijua, Nikodemus N Rihi Heke-Yohanis Yly Kale, when visiting the Constitutional Court, Jakarta. (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Nikodemus N Rihi Heke and Yohanis Yly Kale, incumbent candidates who are also candidate pair number 1 in the Pilkada of Sabu Raijua Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), represented by their attorneys to the Constitutional Court to submit files on the election dispute lawsuit related to the election dispute over the elected Regent Orient Riwu Kore.

Reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 17, although the registration of the election dispute lawsuit is too late, the legal team hopes that the Constitutional Court can consider the case, considering that there are allegations of serious violations related to citizenship that only emerged in early February 2021.

"Applying for the cancellation of candidate pair number 2, Pak Orient. We hope the Court can provide a legal breakthrough, can provide justice - regardless of the shortcomings in our petition, such as deadlines, so that it is put aside first," said Adhitya Nasution as a member of the legal team for Paslon 1. Sabu Raijua, in a written statement, in Jakarta, Tuesday.

He emphasized that his party was not concerned about the difference in votes or the victory of the elected Regent of Orient, but after clarification from Bawaslu he wanted to get legal certainty regarding the alleged violation in question.

"Why don't we use a 'judicial review'? Because in our opinion it doesn't necessarily cancel the victory of a couple who is suspected of using fake documents suspected of being foreigners. We therefore ask for an immediate cancellation, so at least there is jurispudence in the future," he said.

"We emphasize that we have never questioned the difference in votes or the victory. So why did we not take legal action because we think all of the provisions have been regulated. But, after being clarified by Bawaslu, I think it is appropriate for us to submit it to the Constitutional Court," he said.

Not only that, the legal team also asked the KPU to immediately decide on the case regarding the alleged nationality of the elected Regent, Orient Riwu Kore. So that if necessary, re-election can be carried out immediately.

Previously, the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) recommended postponing the inauguration of the elected regent of Sabu Raijua, Orient Patriot Riwu Kore because he was proven to have falsified his population data when registering as a candidate for regional head in the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneously.

The recommendation was sent to the General Election Commission (KPU) on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, which asked the KPU to coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding the postponement of the inauguration of Riwu Kore.

Meanwhile, Orient Patriot Riwu Kore emphasized that he was 100 percent Indonesian citizens (WNI).

Regarding the case of his citizenship, Riwu Kore said that someone has taken care of it, even now it is in the process.

The 2020 Sabu Raijua regional election was attended by three candidate pairs, namely Nikodemus N Rihi Heke-Yohanis Yly Kale with serial number 1, then candidate pair number 2 Orient P Riwu Kore-Thobias Uly, and Takem Irianto Radja Pono-Herman Hegi Radja as candidate number 3 .

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