National Police Candidate Komjen Listyo Sigit: There Is No Religion That Teaches Terrorism
Candidate for National Police Chief Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo (Photo: Indonesian Police Public Relations)

JAKARTA - Candidate for National Police Chief Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo said all religions teach compassion or kindness, not crimes such as acts of terrorism.

"That there is no single religion that teaches the issue of terrorism, all religions teach compassion, including Islam, which teaches rahmatan lil aalamin," said Listyo in a fit and proper test before Commission III of the DPR RI, Wednesday, January 20.

Dirinta also emphasized that religion cannot be linked to terrorism. This is because terrorism is actually trying to take advantage of existing teachings so that it needs to be fought.

"This means that terrorism is a way of utilizing teachings which of course we do not know where the teachings come from and of course we all have to fight," he said.

"Once again, terrorism is our common enemy. It is obligatory for us to prevent and fight against it," he added.

On the same occasion, Listyo also mentioned his steps to detect the dangers of terrorism early. One way is to strengthen the performance of maintaining security and public order.

In addition, he said, the National Police would cooperate with the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), civil society, religious leaders, and community leaders. In fact, he will also involve terrorist inmates to help educate the public about the dangers of terrorism.

"However, if it has the potential to disturb the security and safety of the people, the National Police will continue to take firm action in accordance with the applicable law," he said.

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