Brebes Dukcapil Service Is No Longer The Same As 3 Years Ago
Director General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh

JAKARTA - The Director General of Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, praised the many positive changes that the Dukcapil Service of Brebes Regency, Central Java, had made.

"I am very happy that the Dukcapil Office of Brebes has made a lot of progress compared to three years ago. For example, the coverage for recording e-KTPs has reached 98 percent," explained Director General Zudan, Friday, November 26.

"Children's Identity Cards are 33 percent. Birth certificates are 96 percent. That's already above the national target," he continued, quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Director General Zudan, who was accompanied by the Secretary of the Brebes Regency, Djoko Gunawan, and the Secretary of the Dukcapil Dukcapil of Brebes, Suranto, also admitted that he was happy that the administrative services in the shallot-producing districts had improved.

"This includes a special program for confirming ball pick-up services for people with disabilities. This is a good and noble program, because it helps people with disabilities who have difficulty accessing administrative services at the Dukcapil Office," said Director General Zudan.

Zudan then gave directions to the Disdukcapil Kab. Brebes to immediately fix the service counter.

"It's neat and clean. There's only one thing that needs to be repaired. Don't write the counters like this. Go straight to Counter 1, Counter 2 and so on until the service will be even faster," said the Director General of Dukcapil giving directions.

Zudan also conveyed that people who need an e-KTP immediately contact the Dukcapil Office of Brebes Regency.

"Because there are lots of blanks available, I was also entrusting 4,000 pieces of blanks to the community," said Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, Director General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs.

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