Anies: Meeting Golkar Is Always Fun, I Hope To See You Often Again

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan attended the 57th Anniversary of the Golkar Party. In the welcoming session, he inserted a rhyme that meant he was happy to meet the Golkar Party.

"Mr. Basri doesn't want to be left behind. Cycling fast alone, meeting Golkar is always fun. Hopefully, we meet again often," Anies said in a rhyming voice at the DPD Golkar Building, DKI Jakarta, Sunday, October 31.

Anies also wished congratulations to the party bearing the banyan tree logo. The party, which was founded 57 years ago, according to Anies, has had a long journey and has played a significant role in Indonesia.

"Congratulations to Golkar, who is now 57 years old, perhaps this is a party that is older than the age of its current board. The other party is younger than its age. It is a party that has a long journey to play in this Republic, whose records we all know," he said.

Anies hopes that the Golkar Party can be more advanced and solid, and become an example of a party that has maturity in democracy.

Speaking of democracy, Anies said that this principle is the strength in knowing the threshold where differences in views, aspirations, are known.

"That way, we can continue to make agreements so that democracy is consolidated," he said.

According to him, all places undergoing the process of democratization always have challenges. One of the pillars capable of solving this challenge is a mature political party, a party in which there are politicians who can manage various aspirations and have the capacity of technocracy.

Thus, the party is not only able to manage power and aspirations, but is able to produce aspirations into policies that can be felt directly by the community.

"I think Golkar, from the beginning, was called a work, so that orientation must continue to be maintained. Its maturity as a party has been shown in going through various phases," Anies concluded.