Hurray! Now The Sticker Link Feature Can Be Used By All Instagram Users

JAKARTA - Finally the feature that all users have been hoping for is here, now anyone can add Sticker Links to their Stories on Instagram. Anybody!

In its official blog post, Instagram announced an update that will allow anyone and everyone to add a link to their Stories.

Previously, it was a capability only granted to verified accounts or users with 10,000 followers or more. But now, Instagram is opening up the feature to everyone in the app.

"From organizing and educating around equality, social justice and mental well-being to showcasing new products to customers, sharing links is helpful in many ways, so now we're giving everyone access," said Instagram, Thursday, October 28.

Instagram started testing this feature last June and replaced the Swipe Up feature with the new Sticker Link feature at the end of August.

Now, all users can add a link to Stories as easily as adding music or creating a poll without worrying about the number of followers they have.

Not only that, Sticker Link will also allow Stories viewers to reply and engage with the link creator account, in contrast to the Swipe Up feature which does not allow any interaction.

It's worth noting, Instagram said they would work on monitoring to ensure that accounts sharing malicious content via Sticker Links, such as hate speech or misinformation, would lose access to the feature.

If you want to try this new feature, see how below!

  1. Upload Stories

Take your photo or upload a video to your Stories.

  1. Select the Sticker Link feature

Once you are satisfied with how your content looks, click on the sticker from the top navigation bar. Here, you'll see options for adding locations, mentions, questions, GIFs, and more. You will also see an option to add a Link.

  1. Choose Color Variations

Interestingly, you can tap on the sticker to see color variations. Instagram is also working on ways to customize the sticker even more, to make it clearer where the link will take users when they tap on it.

  1. Tap Sticker Link

Now, you have the ability to add any link you want! Tap "Done" when you're satisfied with how your content looks, and stick the sticker on your Stories, wherever you think works best.