Former KPK Employees Give Their Support For The United Liberation Party

JAKARTA - Former Head of the Drafting of Regulations and Legal Products at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Legal Bureau, Rasamala Aritonang, intends to create a political party after being expelled from the anti-corruption commission at the end of last September. His intention then received a positive response from his colleagues, but he was asked to maintain his idealism.

Through his Twitter account @RasamalaArt, the former employee who was eliminated from the KPK due to the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) announced the name of the party he formed.

"Its name is: "United Liberation Party"," Rasamala wrote, quoted on Thursday, October 14.

He explained that this name means togetherness and collective strength as a movement to free society from the shackles of corruption. "The ideology: the true Pancasila is not just a jargon," said Rasamala.

His desire to form a political party is not without reason. Rasamala said that political parties are a strategic vehicle to make changes in the democratic system even though their existence is often criticized by the public.

Even so, the intention to form this party is still in the discussion stage with a number of parties. In addition to discussing with former KPK employees, Rasamala will also exchange views with national figures.

He did not deny that the effort to establish the party would later meet a steep path. However, Rasamala believes that the party he formed will be able to encourage various changes, including an Indonesia that is free from corruption.

"The conditions for establishing a political party are complicated but worth trying. If it can be realized (the United Liberation Party), I believe we can provide even stronger impetus for change, and progress for Indonesia, of course, requires Indonesia to be free from corruption," he said on Wednesday, October 13.

Rasamala's desire is like a tit for tat. Former Head of the Anti-Corruption Learning Task Force for the KPK, Hotman Tambunan, gave support and even participated in discussing the formation of the party.

"I'm also one of those who participated in the discussion, yes," he said.

He then assumed that Rasamala's intention could have been based on stifling anger at the current situation, where many party cadres are corrupt. This is also what underlies Hotman and a number of former employees who have not thought about joining any political party even though many old parties have opened their doors.

"I haven't thought about it yet (joining another party, ed). The value may also be different," he said.

Similarly, former Chairperson of the KPK Employee Forum Yudi Purnomo also appreciated and supported Rasamala's intention to create a party even though he did not show any desire to join. Moreover, his colleague is considered to have his integrity tested so he is sure that he will get a positive response from the community.

"Personally, as the former chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission's Employee Forum (WP KPK), I certainly support the dreams of each of these 57 people, the important thing is to contribute to the Indonesian people, including @RasamalaArt who wants to create a political party," he said, quoted from his Twitter account @yudiharahap46.

Even so, he reminded his colleague to remain idealistic, consistent, and not compromise with things that are far from the spirit of anti-corruption. Moreover, at this time the community needs a young figure and an alternative that is far from violent acts.

"My message to @RasamalaArt, who will establish a political party, is to remain idealistic, maintain consistency in the truth, do not compromise, and continue to inflame the spirit of anti-corruption," said Yudi.

"People are waiting for young leaders and alternatives that are still clean from corruption," added the former KPK investigator.