Cadres' Performance Is Qualified, Cak Imin Optimistic Of PKB Party Surpassing Gerindra, Displaces Golkar In The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PKB Party Central Executive Board (DPP) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar is optimistic that his party will occupy the top two positions in the 2024 General Election Or displace the position of the Golkar Party.

"God willing, we believe that at least we will occupy the second position. Previously in the surveys, PKB was always bad, ranking 5 or 4 at the highest. However, in the last year it has always been in second or third position, or above Golkar or above Gerindra Parties," said Muhaimin in his statement in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, October 11.

Muhaimin said that the survey results from a number of survey institutions in recent times show that the public places high trust and hope in PKB. He gave an example, the results of the latest survey released by Saiful Mujani Research & Consulting (SMRC) last week.

PKB's electability, continued Cak Imin, surpassed the Gerindra Party.

The SMRC survey showed that PDIP Party received the support of 22.1 percent, Golkar Party 11.3 percent, PKB Party 10 percent, Gerindra Party 9.9 percent, the Democrats 8.6 percent, PKS Party 6 percent, and NasDem Party 4.2 percent.

"This positive trend cannot be separated from PKB's performance at various levels so far in carrying out political tasks, both in the legislature and executive," said Muhaimin.

According to him, the performance of the PKB legislators, starting from the level of Regional Representative Council II (DPRD), DPRD I, to the Indonesian House Representatives (DPR RI), all take on an effective role and are felt by the community.

In order to be in the top two positions in the 2024 General Election, according to Muhaimin, there are already various indications besides the results of a number of surveys that show a positive trend for the PKB Party.

"We are already in the top political parties, the indications are trends that might occur if the conditions are met. What are the conditions, namely performance, strategic thinking, strategic steps, and right on target the top two) is absolutely complete," he said.

The deputy chairman of the DPR RI said that it was equally important to continue to increase the party's human resource capacity (HR).

Therefore, Muhaimin asked all his staff from the branch level, Branch Management Board (DPC), Regional Board of Directors (DPW), to DPP to continue to renew their capacity.

According to him, this optimism also arises because currently within PKB there are no more conflicts that are created so that the party's work plans run safely, smoothly, and without obstacles and all cadres work hand in hand.