Arids, Newborn Meteor Shower Appears In Southern Earth On October 7

JAKARTA – Watching meteor showers can be a lot of fun, and thanks to the incoming 'Arids' showers, some will have the spectacular opportunity to witness them make their first appearance on Earth.

It's no secret that outer space is one of the most exciting things around. It is a never-ending canvas of mystery and wonder. Whether it's planets in our own Solar System or galaxies millions of light-years away, there's always something new to learn about the big things out there.

While interior space and research should be left to professionals, that doesn't mean we can't all make our own observations either. A prime example of this is the meteor shower. Throughout the year, many asteroids and meteorites glide through space, are sucked into Earth's atmosphere, and float through the sky.

If one was in the right place at the right time, they could see this visiting space rock with their own eyes. Some are easy to miss, others are surprising, and there are plenty of opportunities to see for yourself.

As more meteor showers occur each year, astronomers are now preparing for a meteor shower that has never been seen on Earth before. This meteor shower is known as the 'Arids.'

The name comes from the constellation Ara where the meteor originated, and when it was first discovered by The SETI Institute on September 30, the first rain was not expected to peak until Thursday, October 7. Astronomers expect Arids rain all the way back. in 1995 by studying particles ejected from Comet 15P/Finlay, but are only now seeing it.

It's not often people get to witness a newborn meteor shower, but with Arids, that's exactly what happened. It has been added to the IAU Meteor Shower Working List — proudly carrying the ARD code and identification number 1130. It remains unclear if and when Arids will return after his visit on October 7, 2021, but regardless, it's a wonderful opportunity not to be missed.

For people interested in watching Arids' big debut for themselves, the bad news is that it will be very limited. The folks at confirmed that it will only be visible from the Southern Hemisphere, with the best viewing locations in New Zealand, Argentina, and Chile.

The shower will be quite small and slow, which means proper viewing equipment, is a must to get the full experience. For anyone who happens to be in the area, look for showers around 00:35 UT and 03:55 UT on 7 October.

It's disappointing that people in the Northern Hemisphere had to sit outside, but it's also important to remember that this isn't the only meteor shower to watch out for.

The annual Draconid showers are also expected to peak on the morning of October 8, offering great views of additional space rocks. Whether you're in a position to watch Arids or Draconid, be safe, have plenty of time to get comfortable and enjoy upcoming shows!