Warehouse Burns, Shopee Express Spokesperson Makes Sure There Are No Problems In Delivery Of Goods

JAKARTA - A spokesperson for Shopee Express spoke about the fire incident in the Shope Express warehouse at the warehousing complex in the Penjaringan area, North Jakarta, Wednesday, October 6. However, Shopee ensures that there are no delivery problems, and activities run as usual.
"There were no problems with the delivery of Shopee Express orders because the delivery process was completed in the morning and most of the goods were rescued. Delivery from other warehouses continues to run normally", explained a spokesperson for Shopee Express in a written statement, Wednesday, October 6.
Shopee Express also confirmed information that the source of the fire came from one of the warehouses and spread to the Shopee Express hub.
"There were no casualties in this incident", a Shopee Express spokesman added.
The fire that hit the Shopee expedition warehouse on Kapuk Kayu Besar, Street Penjaringan, North Jakarta, was caused by a fire that came from one of the plastic warehouses owned by another PT. This assurance was conveyed by the DKI Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service.
"According to available information from laboratory workers and warehouse employees at the TKP (the crime scene) caught fire, the starting point was at PT Sinarmas Plastic Warehouse", said Public Relations of the DKI Jakarta Fire and Rescue Agency, Murat Wijayanto.
The fire that emerged from the plastic warehouse, continued Murat, spread to the Shopee Express expedition warehouse which was near the plastic warehouse. Practically the expedition warehouse, which was located close to it, was immediately engulfed by the red rooster. Munarat said it was suspected that the fire was caused by an electrical short in the panel area.
"There was a propagation to the Shopee Express Warehouse which was located close to the burning warehouse. The information was obtained from Mr. Yitno as the Head of the PT. Sinarmas Warehouse. The initial fire was suspected to be due to an electrical short in the panel area", he said.
Then, continued Murat, several warehouse employees tried to extinguish it using a Light Fire Extinguisher (APAR). At least, there are 27 fire extinguishers used to extinguish the fire in the Shopee Express warehouse. Unfortunately, the fire can't be extinguished, it just gets bigger and can't be controlled.
"The warehouse immediately contacted the firefighters for assistance in extinguishing the fire. At the beginning of the fire, it was known that the warehouse employees were in preparation for production", said Murat.