Garment Factory In Bandung City On Fire, Workers Scattered To Save Themselves

BANDUNG - A fire broke out at a garment factory located in the Jalan Jenderal Sudirman area, Bandung City, West Java Province, Monday, October 4. The workers scrambled to save themselves.

Head of the Rescue Section of the Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Agency, John Erwin, said that officers had been dispatched to extinguish the fire that started at around 09.00 a.m. local time at the garment factory.

According to him, the Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Service is running 11 transmission cars to support fire management.

He estimated the fire covered an area of about 1.000 square meters at the garment factory.

"The cause of the fire is still under investigation," he said at the location.

The fire did not cause any casualties. According to the factory manager, the fire started in the production area.

"The temporary information on the fire came from the printing department, but we'll see first the results of the handling," said John.

According to him, workers at the factory tried to extinguish the fire using a fire extinguisher and hydrants in the factory area, but were overwhelmed because the fire was getting bigger.

"Because it was getting bigger, some employees who saw it immediately contacted the emergency call (emergency service) 113 Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Service (Dikar PB)," he said.