Anies' Subordinate To Demolish Dozens Of Houses In Karet Tengsin: Unlike Before, We Are More Humane

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Asset Management Agency (BPAD), Reza Pahlevi, said that currently, his party is more humane in carrying out the eviction and relocation of residents.

This is related to the plan to evict dozens of houses occupied by 40 families on Jalan Mutiara, RT 007 RW 004, Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta.

The eviction plan was carried out because the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, wanted to return the assets of the area occupied by the 40 families.

"We are not like we used to be. We are more humane. So, we don't just displace people, but move them," said Reza when contacted, Thursday, September 30.

Reza explained the meaning of the humanist attitude. He said that the DKI Provincial Government did not only expel residents from government-owned residences that had been rented.

Anies' ranks are currently conducting socialization to residents and offering relocation in flats (rusun). However, Reza admitted that he did not know which flats were offered by the residents.

"This means that we offer flats. There are many flats that are still empty. This is the authority of the Housing Agency. We from BPAD will facilitate and coordinate with the Housing Office," said Reza.

Furthermore, Reza said that the plan to evict the house on a land area of 4.695 square meters was carried out after the DKI Provincial Government won the court's decision.

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in securing assets must comply with existing regulations. This security is a court decision with permanent legal force," he said.

Reza emphasized that there was no rejection from residents during the installation of government-owned asset signs. At that time, the installation was assisted by the police, the National Armed Force (TNI), the Central Jakarta District Attorney, and the Central Jakarta National Land Agency (BPN) Office.

"On that day, the limit was returned for the certificate of use rights on behalf of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government," he said.