Legal Counsel Explains LPSK Examination Results, Victims Of Sexual Harassment At KPI Experience Excessive Paranoia

JAKARTA - MS, an employee of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) who was a victim of alleged bullying and sexual harassment visited the office of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). MS came with his attorney, Rony Hutahaen.

This time, said Rony, his party accompanied MS in LPSK to undergo a psychological examination conducted by the psychology team to find the form of protection provided.

"In this examination, there are about sub-questions, 10 questions each. So a total of 40 questions," he said at the LPSK office, Ciracas, East Jakarta, Monday, September 27.

Psychological assistance is part of the form of protection provided by LPSK during the legal process of the MS case which is now handled by the Central Jakarta Police and continues until the court.

Based on the results of a temporary examination by the LPSK psychological team, MS is paranoid or excessively disturbed due to sexual harassment and bullying by his co-workers.

"That our client was examined by a psychologist which resulted in excessive paranoia, a sense of fear. So his fear was twice the normal fear, after the case he experienced," he said.

Then, continued Rony, the application for protection submitted by his client in the case of an alleged criminal act of sexual harassment has been received. Rony has also not been able to confirm the form of protection provided by LPSK to his clients.

"The temporary result that was conveyed to us is that LPSK received the legal protection requested by our client for cases of sexual harassment and bullying," he said.