The Majority Of The People Think The National Economic Recovery Is Still Bad

JAKARTA - The majority of Indonesians think that the national economic recovery is still bad. This is based on the results of the latest survey of Indonesian Political Indicators.

In the survey, people who think the national economy is bad are 36.7 percent. Meanwhile, 7.4 percent of the public considered the economic condition to be very bad.

"If we total 44.1 percent who said the national economic condition when the survey was conducted was in bad or very bad condition. So more said the national economic condition was worse than good," said Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators, Burhanuddin Muhtadi during a discussion on a national survey of public evaluations of the handling of the Pandemic by indicators online, Sunday, September 26.

Generally, he continued, those who said the economy was still bad were those who did not have a fixed income in the informal sector.

Although many people think it is bad, Burhanuddin continued, there is still 16.1 percent of the people who think the national economy is good.

"Then, 0.7 percent considered the economic condition to be very good and 33.3 percent moderate. Meanwhile, those who did not answer or could not determine whether the national economy was good or bad were 5.7 percent," he explained.

Burhanuddin revealed that the percentage of people who think the national economy is bad has decreased compared to the survey in May 2021. In the second quarter of 2020, people who think the national economy is bad reached 81 percent.

"People's perception that the national economy is bad has continued to decline from July 2020 to April 2021 which touched 49.5 percent. However, in July 2021, the percentage of people who think the economy is bad has increased again to 52.5 percent," he explained.

According to Burhanuddin, the increased public perception that the national economic condition is bad due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic which was followed by the policy of the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

At that time, he said, the mobility of the community to earn a living was disrupted. Moreover, the government has financial limitations to be able to supply the needs of the lower-middle-class people.

"In the September survey, which said the national economy was deteriorating, it dropped to 44 percent," said Burhanuddin.

This survey was conducted to 1.200 respondents by telephone from 17 to 21 September 2021. Meanwhile, the method used was simple random sampling, using a margin. of error is about 2.9 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.