Spreading Nails, This Tire Patcher's Income Reaches Millions A Day

JAKARTA - A mobile tire repairman with the initials BIP can only lament his fate on the cell wall of the Tebet Police, South Jakarta. For his evil deeds, this 43-year-old man who spread nail mines must atone for his guilt in a prison cell.

In the nail mine terror crime, BIP often fixes the price for a tire patch of Rp20 thousand per hole and the cost of replacing an inner tube is Rp75 thousand. The suspect deliberately raised the cost because along the MT Haryono road he was the only tire repairman.

"This (mine) is made of umbrella frames. With the spread of these nails, of course, the public will feel very disturbed, especially since BIP sells services at unreasonable prices," said Tebet Police Chief, Police Commissioner Alexander Yurikho to VOI, Saturday, September 25.

The crime of spreading nail mines by the suspect can generate a turnover of up to millions of rupiah in one day. The reason is, BIP fixes the price for patching and replacing inner tubes with a pretty fantastic value.

"The suspect's turnover can be millions of rupiah a day. He has been operating for a month," he said.

Meanwhile, according to BIP's confession to the police, the actual replacement price for an inner tube is only Rp20 thousand rupiahs. However, continued the Sector Police Chief, because of the nails that were spread by the perpetrator himself, the cost (to replace the inner tube) at the perpetrator's workshop was Rp75 thousand.

"It means almost three times as much. This is the modus operandi and motive of the suspect. Don't hesitate to report, if something like this happens, don't hesitate to report it to the police," he said.