Kadin Successfully Collects IDR 1.3 Trillion Funds From Contributions Of Entrepreneurs And Conglomerates To Help Handling COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) has managed to raise IDR 1.3 trillion in funds to help deal with COVID-19 in the country. The funds are obtained from the results of business contributions so that the epidemic targeting the health sector can be handled immediately and the economy will be reopened.

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Arsjad Rasjid, explained that raising that much fund was not easy and would take quite a long time. However, all entrepreneurs under the auspices of Kadin ensure that they will collaborate and work together in handling the pandemic.

"The total in the context of this pandemic alone is more than IDR 1.3 trillion. So with our appreciation, the movement of the NKRI (The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia) businessmen cares, one of which is to help during the pandemic", he said at a virtual press conference in Jakarta, Friday, September 24.

Arsjad said, in handling the pandemic, Kadin has participated in the implementation of the vaccination program to accelerate the formation of herd immunity. Not only in the private sector but also in the general public to achieve the vaccination target of 2 million people per day.

Furthermore, Arsjad said the funds collected would be used to deploy a mobile vaccination bus program to reach people who have difficulty accessing health facilities, initiate the construction of oxygen houses in various regions, distribution of medical oxygen cylinder packages in all provinces, to social assistance packages for people who need oxygen.

"This pandemic shows us how important the development of the national health and pharmaceutical industry is. On the other hand, this is a challenge as well as an investment opportunity", he said.

In the future, said Arsjad, economic challenges will be more difficult due to changes in people's behavior due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, according to Arsjad, health problems should be everyone's concern.

"The challenge is indeed not easy, because after all this health issue has an impact on the economy. Therefore, health is one of our concerns to participate in developing the economy in the future", he said.