KPK Votes September 30 To Stop Novel Baswedan And Colleagues, Komnas HAM Talks About The Dangers Of G30S/PKI Stigma

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) highlighted the election of 30 September to dismiss Novel Baswedan and 56 employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK).

Komnas HAM commissioner Choirul Anam said the selection of the date could cause stigma for dozens of employees and could create a certain stigma from the public.

The reason is that September 30 has coincided with the commemoration of the September 30 Movement of the Indonesian Communist Party or G30S/PKI.

"If we have another chance, we will ask why we chose September 30. Even though it was said before until November," Anam said in an online discussion broadcast on YouTube Friends of ICW, Sunday, September 19.

"What is this, if you built your imagination about the past of the Republic of Indonesia, there was a stigma about 1965 about the PKI, about communism. Did the September 30 election introduce another stigma? If this introduces the next stigma, how dangerous is this country? ," he added.

If the alleged dismissal was deliberately carried out on September 30 to build a stigma, then this is a danger in itself for the nation and state. Thus, the formation of this kind of assumption should be resisted.

"If we don't fight the stigma machine together, this country is in the highest level of danger. So, don't use symbols to introduce stigma," said Anam.

Moreover, the stigma that has been attached to dozens of employees due to not passing the TWK, namely that they are anti-Pancasila, is also considered a figment. Considering, Novel Baswedan et al are those who have actually worked in government institutions, including being the police and civil servants.

Thus, the stigma that was formed was considered by Komnas HAM as a form of oddity and needed to be proven by opening the answers of the employees when carrying out the test as a condition for transferring the status of the employee.

"It means, open the challenge, open the answer. Let's show it, it's ideological questions, compliance with the law, and so on," said Anam.

It was previously reported that 57 employees who did not pass the TWK would be fired at the end of September. This decision was taken because they cannot become State Civil Apparatus (ASN) according to the mandate of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019.

The KPK argues that their inability to become ASN is not due to laws and regulations such as Perkom KPK Number 1 of 2021 but because of the results of their assessment.

The anti-corruption commission also ensures that employees are given equal opportunities even if they have passed the age limit or have stopped being ASN before.

The employees who were declared no longer able to work at the KPK included senior KPK investigators Novel Baswedan and Ambarita Damanik, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum Yudi Purnomo, KPK investigator Harun Al-Rasyid, and dozens of other names.