Now, Overseas Vaccination Certificate Holders Can Use PeduliLindungi Application
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health added a new feature in the use of the PeduliLindung application. Currently, Indonesian citizens (WNI) and foreign nationals (WNA) who carry out vaccinations abroad can access PeduliLindungi to carry out activities in the country.
"We will introduce how Indonesian citizens are, and then foreigners can access PeduliLindungi even though the vaccine certificate is not obtained in Indonesia", said the Chief Digital Transformation Office of the Ministry of Health, Setiaji in a statement, Wednesday, September 15.
The addition of this non-Indonesian Vaccination Verification Card (VNI) feature, said Setiaji, is in order to facilitate verification for Indonesian citizens and foreigners who have received vaccinations abroad.
How to register, foreigners or Indonesian citizens who are vaccinated abroad access the website, then register and apply for certificate verification. Then, the Ministry of Health will verify the vaccination data for Indonesian citizens, while foreigners will be verified by their respective embassies.
"For foreigners, we, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will also cooperate later, will coordinate with their respective embassies, so that the vaccine certificates that are not from Indonesia will be verified by their respective embassies", Setiaji said.
Verification results will be sent via e-mail. "Once verified, the results will be confirmed via email that has been registered on the website, approximately a maximum of three working days", he explained.
The Indonesian citizen or foreigner concerned must register and log into the PeduliLindungi application in order to check the vaccination status and get a VNI verification card.
“It must be claimed, enter into PeduliLindung to complete or claim a vaccine certificate. It will appear after this is verified", explained Setiaji.
Foreigners and Indonesian citizens concerned can use the PeduliLindungi application to scan QR codes at various places of community activity, such as malls, flights, and others.
Setiaji hopes that with this feature, vaccination recipients abroad can use the PeduliLindungi application to access public facilities. "With something like this, we can also ensure that those who enter or also carry out movement/mobility in Indonesia can be maintained according to health protocols as well as screening and so on," he added.