MAKI Gives Lili Pintauli Time To Resign From KPK Until Next November, Otherwise...

JAKARTA - Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI), Boyamin Saiman, has given KPK Deputy, Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar, time to step down from his position until next November.

If this is not done, he will report Lili's violation to the Attorney General's Office.

"If November has not resigned, I will also submit a report to the Attorney General's Office", Boyamin told reporters, Tuesday, September 14.

He said that this report was deliberately made to the Attorney General's Office because Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) had reported to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police some time ago regarding the violations that led to the crime by Lili Pintauli. Boyamin also said that this report was not misdirected.

The reason is that Article 30 of the Prosecutor's Law regulates the institution to handle criminal acts regulated by special laws.

"The evidence for dealing with corruption is the Special Prosecutor's Office", said Boyamin.

If later the report is not followed up by the Attorney General's Office, MAKI will file a pretrial lawsuit. Boyamin said that his party gave three months. He also hopes that the AGO can control the KPK, especially regarding its performance.

"Something's not right, in turn. Right, in the past, the Attorney General's Office was not properly controlled here (KPK, ed). Yes, I hope that the Attorney General's Office is not revenge but a balance", said Boyamin.

For information, Lili was declared to have violated the code of ethics for abusing her authority for personal gain and meeting directly with the litigants, namely the Mayor of Tanjungbalai, M Syahrial, who is a suspect in the bribery case of buying and selling positions.

As a result, the KPK Supervisory Board imposed a sanction in the form of a 40 percent reduction in basic salary for 12 months or IDR 1.8 million from IDR 4,620,000.

For her actions, Lili is also considered to have committed a prohibited act in Article 36 of Law Number 20 of 2002 by contacting the litigants directly so that they can be sentenced to criminal penalties.