Shaving Or Waxing, Which Is Safest For Hair Removal?

JAKARTA - Having fine hair all over the body does sometimes make women feel less confident. Some even say that women who have a lot of hair are easily lustful! Such an assumption makes women sometimes feel inferior to their own appearance. Therefore, many finally choose to shave the hair on his body.

Not only leg and hand hair, but some women sometimes also shave in sensitive areas such as armpits and female parts. There are women who choose to shave, but there are also those who prefer waxing.

Actually, both are safe to use if you know how and do it according to the procedure. You just have to choose which technique suits your needs. Waxing can be done if the length of the hair is about 0.5 cm, while for shaving you can wet the hair first to prevent irritation. It also depends on which area you are removing the hair from.

To shave, it can be done in the area of the legs, face, and arms. Shaving is not recommended in some areas such as the feminine area. The female area is very sensitive and when shaved can cause irritation due to friction between the razor and the skin. For waxing, you can do it on the legs, face, armpits, and around the vagina. But, you also have to pay attention to the length of the hair to be waxed. Don't let hair that's too long be waxed.

You should also pay attention to the risk of irritation. Both waxing and shaving can cause rashes and irritation. But this is no big deal. When irritation or rash occurs, you can use skincare products made from Centella Asiatica. The goal is that a cica-based cream will provide a soothing or calming effect on the skin. Cica material is also considered safer because it comes from natural plants.