Don't Delay Vaccination, The Risk Can Be Infected With COVID-19

JAKARTA - Epidemiology Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia (FKM UI) Iwan Ariawan asked the public to immediately vaccinate and not to delay because of choosing brands.

"There is a risk of contracting COVID-19 because people delay vaccination," he said in a written statement received in Jakarta, Sunday.

Iwan reminded that currently, the transmission of COVID-19 cases is still high. Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent transmission and reduce the risk of serious infections caused by viruses that attack the respiratory tract.

Iwan explained that all brands of COVID-19 vaccines used in Indonesia have passed the review of experts and the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM).

"So, everything has been proven to be effective and safe. People must immediately vaccinate when they get the opportunity," he said.

The appeal was conveyed because until now there are still people who are picky about vaccine brands because they are influenced by information about the effectiveness of vaccines, various side effects, and hoaxes.

In line with that, the Epidemiologist of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKK MK) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Riris Andono Ahmad said that there are many reasons why people choose vaccine brands.

"Probably because of the information circulating regarding each vaccine," said Riris.

Riris assesses the risk that people who continue to be picky about vaccine brands are infected with COVID-19 until they experience the severity of the virus.

"The sooner you get vaccinated, the risk of exposure to severe COVID-19 can be avoided," said Riris.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, admitted that some people are picky about vaccine brands. Generally, this is due to the circulation of hoaxes about vaccine side effects.

He hopes that the public will immediately follow the vaccination with any brand. The goal is for Indonesia to immediately get out of the pandemic and create communal immunity.

So far, Indonesia has brought in 225.4 million doses of vaccine. The details are 33 million doses of Sinovac vaccine, 153.9 million doses of Sinovac in bulk, 19.5 million doses of AstraZeneca, eight million doses of Moderna, 2.75 million doses of Pfizer, and 8.25 million doses of Sinopharm.

As of Saturday, September 11, 72,248,720 people have received the first dose of vaccine, 41,534,340 received the second dose of vaccine, and 775,725 have received the third dose of vaccine. The target of the national vaccination program is 208,265,720.