Commemoration Of 9/11, NU Talks About Improving The World Order

JAKARTA - Katib Aam Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf sees the need to strengthen the management of the world order after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) Building in New York, United States, September 11, 2001.

According to Gus Yahya, his nickname, for the purposes of, Therefore, one way that must be done is to maintain the integrity of the nation-state.

"The nation-state is the foundation of the world order after World War II that supports current global stability and security", said Gus Yahya when speaking at the 20th anniversary of the attack on The WTC building organized by Regent University, Virginia, USA, Thursday, September 9.

According to Gus Yahya, the nation-state must be supported through strong local religious and cultural traditions from attacks by transnational ideologies based on religious, ethnic, or racial identity, as well as secular ideas.

"This is crucial because the compound between the nation-state, religious traditions, and local culture is the only basic structure available in the current world order to manage the global negotiation process towards a harmonious civilization", said Gus Yahya as quoted from a press release on Saturday.

According to him, through carefulness in the pattern of adaptation to globalization, the world order is believed to be getting better. On the other hand, if these negotiations fail, new tensions may be inevitable.

On that occasion, Gus Yahya also explained the great potential of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) with its strong local religious traditions and the Indonesian nation with the vision of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Indonesian's motto) in order to build human civilization.

Through local religious traditions and the nation's vision, Gus Yahya assessed that the process of realizing consensus towards a harmonious global civilization was not a dream.

Gus Yahya was specially invited by Regent University to speak at an international meeting that discussed the importance of global peace. Gus Yahya delivered his presentation via videotape.

Other speakers at this internationally broadcast event included former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Regent University founder Pat Robertson, diplomatic figures, experts, and holders of military, security, and legal authorities, as well as intellectuals from the United States.

The Dean of The Robertson School of Government at Virginia University, Michele Bachmann, who guided the event, expressed his appreciation for Gus Yahya's speech. In fact, Bachmann called Yahya the leading Muslim voice in the face of extremism.