Duet Arsy Widianto And Tiara Andiri Release Single Song 'Memilih Aku'

JAKARTA - After the success of the music series, ArTi Untuk Cinta, Arsy Widianto and Tiara Andini are back with a new single entitled Memilih Aku.

This song was originally a new theme song for a provider. However, in order to be heard by a wide audience, Memilih Aku was released as a single.

In the version that became the theme song, Memilih Aku is played with an acoustic piano and a complete orchestra and is made more grande because it symbolizes a struggle and consistency that focuses on loyalty.

As for the single version of Memilih Aku, made with a touch of electric piano and rhythm section. However, this song is also equipped with a string orchestra at the climax to make it more dramatic in the ears of the listeners.

Arsy said Memilih Aku describes loyalty which is one of the most beautiful values of love. Even though they are separated by distance, space, and time, lovers are still sincere with each other.

"As a result, Tiara and I tried to perform the song honestly and sincerely so that the emotional depiction of the lyrics can really reach the listeners' hearts, especially those who relate to the story in this song", said Arsy in his official broadcast quoted on Saturday, 11 September.

The production of this song is also quite impressive because the production process is mostly done at home with the help of technology to communicate with each other.

With the release of Memilih Aku, Arsy and Tiara hope to spread a message about the beauty of dedication, and loyalty. Especially for those who are in a long-distance relationship.

"Hopefully many will enjoy our new song and many will choose this song to accompany their days so that it brings positive vibes to those who hear it. Oh yes, this song can also represent the feelings of those who are in love so that they continue to feel happy", said Tiara.