Sahroni Supports Police In Combating Drug Trafficking Syndicates In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The circulation of drugs in Indonesia is considered to be at a very worrying stage. In addition to ordinary people, many celebrities and public figures who should be role models are actually involved in it.

This made the Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI Ahmad Sahroni continue to support the efforts of the Police to uncover drug trafficking syndicates. Especially the big cities that supply drugs to various groups.

“All these dealers must be finished. From the big dealers to the celebrities. In addition, they must also be severely punished, so as to deter other traffickers," said Sahroni in his statement in Jakarta, Sunday.

This was said by Sahroni regarding the case of comic Coki Pardede who was caught as a methamphetamine user. Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Yusri Yunus in conveying the police's commitment to fighting drugs and their commitment to continue to hunt down suppliers.

Sahroni assesses that Indonesia is increasingly in a state of drug emergency, so it takes hard work from the police to uncover drug trafficking syndicates because they do not let the younger generation of Indonesia be damaged by these illicit goods.

He said that the artists who have been arrested should undergo rehabilitation so that it is hoped that when they are released they will no longer fall into drug use.

"Artists and drug users should be rehabilitated so that they do not return to using the illicit goods," he said.

He also asked the Police not only to arrest users but also drug dealers to be arrested and sentenced to the heaviest punishment.