These Two People Are Tempted To Steal Tractors and Arrested by Kendari Police

KENDARI - Kendari Police have arrested the thief of a hand tractor belonging to a farmer group in Aunupe Village, Wolasi District, South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

The Head of Operations at the Kendari Police, AKP Bahtiar, said that there were two perpetrators. One was caught while the other is still being chased.

"We have arrested one person with the initials IF (25), our perpetrator was arrested on August 14. The other perpetrator, initialed A, is still being chased", said Bahtiar when releasing the case in Kendari, Antara, Tuesday, August 31.

The two perpetrators carried out their actions on August 7, 2021, then at around 19:00 WITA with the mode of wanting to ensnare partridges.

The perpetrator entered a cocoa plantation which is about 7 kilometers from the highway to set a jungle fowl snare. However, when he saw a hand tractor unit stored in the cocoa garden, the perpetrator was tempted.

"So the perpetrators intend to take the hand tractor", he said.

After successfully retrieving the machine, the perpetrators loaded it into a rental car and sold it to a farmer in the Palopo area, South Sulawesi Province for IDR 9 million.

"The accumulation of material losses from one tractor unit they stole was IDR 15 million", said Bahtiar.

Both were charged with Article 363 paragraph (1) 4 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of seven years in prison.