Governor Viktor Joins The Crowd, COVID-19 Task Force Reminds NTT To Still Enter PPKM Level 4

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force Wiku Adisasmito reminded the Governor of NTT, Viktor Laiskodat, that the provincial capital, Kupang, is still included in PPKM Level 4.

This is in response to the event that led to a crowd that was attended by Viktor and several officials some time ago. Wiku thought the crowd was not in line with PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) Level 4 rules.

"It is known that Kupang has entered a level 4 area. Regulations for this kind of social activity are set by limiting the capacity of visitors to only 25 percent, utilizing the PeduliLindung screening system, and its implementation must be accompanied by the application of strict health protocols", said Wiku in a short message, Monday, August 30.

Wiku asked regional heads, especially the Governor of NTT, Viktor Laiskodat, to actually implement the PPKM rules in each district/city led to maintain public health.

"I request that every region, especially regional leaders as regulators, can really pay attention to the details of this regulation for the sake of common safety and health so that it can be implemented properly in the field by all parties without exception", said Wiku.

As previously reported, a viral video circulated on social media showing crowds and alleged violations of health protocols during the inauguration of the NTT Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPAKD) on Friday, August 27 at Otan Tourism Beach, Otan Village, Semau District, Kupang Regency.

The event was attended by NTT Governor Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat, NTT Deputy Governor Josef Nae Soi, and almost all Regents and Mayors throughout NTT.

The event was also attended by several local artists and several regional heads actually sang along without paying attention to health protocols.

The incident then sparked a lot of comments and also some academics asked the police to intervene to investigate the alleged violation of health protocols in the area.

The East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police stated that they would establish communication and coordination with relevant agencies regarding a viral video showing a crowd on Semau Island. The crowd was attended by the Governor of NTT Victor Laiskodat and several regents/mayors throughout NTT.

"In response to the viral video, the NTT Police will communicate and coordinate with relevant agencies to obtain more accurate resources and information", said Head of Public Relations of the NTT Regional Police, Kombes Pol Rishian Krisna B.