South Sumatra Provincial Government Allows Face-to-Face Schools Starting Next Week

JAKARTA - The South Sumatra Provincial Government has allowed the implementation of face-to-face learning (PTM) at every school level in the region which will begin next week.

Head of the South Sumatra Provincial Education Office, Riza Fahlevi in Palembang, Friday, said the decision refers to the results of the evaluation of the opening of the education sector during the implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

According to him, from the evaluation results, the indicators set by the central government include the decline in the number of COVID-19 cases, the PPKM level, and the achievement of vaccination for educators or teachers by 85 percent.

There are currently 13 city districts in the orange zone or medium spread, then four city districts in the yellow zone or low spread.

With the cumulative number of positive COVID-19 confirmed cases from 17 regencies and cities as of Thursday, August 25, there were 170 cases added.

Of the 17 regencies and cities, only Palembang City is still implementing level four PPKM with a cumulative positive confirmation case of 19.370 cases.

Meanwhile, Level 3 PPKM is being implemented by Lubuk Linggau City, Pagaralam City, Prabumulih City, Banyuasin Regency, Empat Lawang Regency, Muara Enim Regency, Musi Rawas Regency, Muratara Regency, OI Regency, OKUT and OKUS Regency and Musi Banyuasin Regency and those at Level two are Lahat Regency, OKI Regency and PALI Regency.

"Hopefully, the circular letter on the implementation of PTM during the PPKM period has been received by all heads of the district/city Education Office, Monday, August 30 next week", he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, August 27.

The implementation of PTM only takes place in areas that apply PPKM levels one to three while for level four areas it is adjusted based on the level of distribution per sub-district.

The design of the implementation of PTM is still ongoing in a limited way that still combines direct learning and distance learning (online).

The school is given the obligation to regulate how the technical implementation of the limited PTM is, with a note of tightening health protocols.

For example, screening before entering school, hand washing facilities operating properly, then ensuring that one class can contain 50-25 percent of students or 18 students while the rest carry out online learning.

In one day, students carry out teaching and learning activities for a maximum of two hours, which also applies to online learning.

He emphasized that based on the direction of the Governor of South Sumatra, the implementation of this PTM was not at all coercive on the parents or guardians of students, but the government only ensured that the schools were ready.

Then to ensure smooth learning and maintain the safety of the student's health, schools must actively coordinate with parents or guardians of students and the COVID-19 response task force in each region.

So that if something happens outside of learning activities, it can be quickly addressed.

"For example, if a sick child has to quickly find the cause of his illness and is prohibited from attending PTM, they must self-isolate (Isoman) until they are healthy again", he explained.