Abandoned By Novel Baswedan Et Al Who Did Not Pass The TWK, The KPK Considers It Does Not Affect Performance

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said its work to eradicate corruption was not affected, even though several investigators and investigators did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK), such as Novel Baswedan et al.

Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Alexander Marwata, said the number of investigators and investigators who did not pass the TWK was also only about 10 people. So, this will not have any impact.

"Investigators, there are 10 investigators who did not pass the TWK, I think. Not even 10. This means that it does not affect the investigators who did not pass and then they did not carry out the investigation", he said in a press conference broadcast on the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Tuesday, August 24.

Even if the number of prosecutions is deemed not too much, this is due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, investigators cannot carry out their work from home nor can witnesses be examined online.

"For the prosecution, of course, you can't carry out inspections from home or online. It's very impossible", he said.

Alexander also revealed that witness examination is also considered increasingly difficult in the midst of a pandemic because of restrictions and tests that must be carried out. So, even if there is a decrease in performance, this is due to the pandemic.

"So this pandemic really has a huge impact on performance but not only in actual action. Prevention is also disrupted, including coordination and supervision because we can't travel to regions to (implement it, ed)", he explained.

Previously, 75 employees were declared not to have passed the TWK as a condition for the transfer of employee status. However, from this number, 24 employees can still be fostered and appointed as ASN with the condition that they must attend state defense training and national insight.

So, the total number of employees who will actually be fired will be 51 people. However, because there are 6 members of the 24 employees who refuse to participate in the training, the number of employees who will be fired will increase to 57 people.

The 57 employees include senior investigator Novel Baswedan, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum who is also investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Anti-Corruption Campaign and Socialization of the KPK, Giri Suprapdiono, and Head of the KPK Task Force, Harun Al-Rasyid.