Bringing 13 Kg Of Meth, Courier From East Aceh Promised Rp103 Million To Jakarta

MEDAN - Caught carrying 13 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, a young man from East Aceh was arrested by personnel from the Directorate of Narcotics Investigation of the North Sumatra Police on the side of Medan-Banda Aceh street, Langkat Regency.

The Director of Drug Investigation (Dirresnarkoba) of the North Sumatra Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. Cornelius Wisnu Aji, in Medan, confirmed the arrest of the suspect with the initials MA (21). He said the suspect in the drug case is currently undergoing intensive examination.

"We are developing the methamphetamine case," said Wisnu quoting Antara, Monday, August 23.

Previously, personnel from the North Sumatra Police's Drug Directorate arrested MA (21) suspected of being a drug courier carrying 13 kg of methamphetamine on the side of the Medan-Banda Aceh Road, Tanjung Pura District, Langkat Regency, Wednesday night (18/8).

From the results of the interrogation carried out by officers against the suspect, the methamphetamine item belonged to an Acehnese named Putra. Then the plan is to send the methamphetamine to Jakarta by land.

The drug courier was promised to be given a salary of Rp103,000,000 to bring methamphetamine from East Aceh to Jakarta.