Pregnant Again, Aurel Hermansyah Says Nagita Slavina Was Saving Her Fetus

JAKARTA - Krisdayanti and Anang Hermasyah's Daughter, Aurel Hermansyah, share the happy news. Atta Halilintar's wife is pregnant again.

Through Instagram, Aurel thanked God for being given the trust again after previously experiencing a miscarriage.

Meanwhile, through AH's YouTube channel, Aurel revealed that Nagita Slavina's advice against dieting seemed to save the fetus in her womb.

When Gigi - Nagita Slavina's nickname - visited, Aurel said that she was on a diet. Even though she was pregnant.

"Then sis Gigi said 'what are you doing, don't go on a diet first. Just try again'. Then suddenly sis Gigi said 'yes, you should do this... try the test pack'. Then I said 'ah no, I'm afraid the results will be disappointed'," said Aurel.

"'No, just test it, what if for example you suddenly get pregnant, you're taking diet pills, giving injections, it is not good for the child'," Aurel continued.


Aurel then tried to use the test pack and the results showed two lines. Couldn't believe it, Aurel thanked Nagita for asking her to stop dieting.