Bank Mandiri Synergizes With MCash To Facilitate IDR 5.000 Food Program At DigiResto Through SiCepat

JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. collaborated with PT M Cash Integration Tbk. (MCash) and SiCepat held a food order program for just a shake or IDR 5.000 on the DigiResto platform. This opportunity is valid from August 17 - December 31, 2021, for the first 1.000 buyers provided that the consumer purchases with a debit card or a Bank Mandiri credit card.

Director of Network and Retail Banking at Bank Mandiri Aquarius Rudianto said this program is aimed at supporting people who are self-isolating (isoman) so that they get food choices that meet their needs at very affordable prices.

"Through collaboration, there is burden-sharing among all the nation's children for the safety of our beloved country", he said in an official statement, Tuesday, August 10.

Aquarius added that cross-sectoral synergies will also have a greater effect on the community.

"Therefore, we are committed to always being open with other stakeholders for the safety and welfare of Indonesia", he said.

On the same occasion, MCash Managing Director Jahja Suryandy said that DigiResto as a platform that supports this movement has provided a special menu of Indonesia Pasti Bisa for COVID-19 patients who are doing self-isolation.

He said that the application users can easily order food or send food to relatives with more than 70 menu variants from 15 merchants spread across Jabodetabek and Bandung.

“As a technology infrastructure company, we stand in solidarity with the country in difficult times like these. We are committed to helping COVID-19 patients by providing access to order food at affordable prices, people can obtain adequate nutrition in the joint struggle against the pandemic", said Jahja.

Similarly, SiCepat CEO The Kim Hai revealed that his party provides support in the form of free shipping through merchants to users.

"We welcome the cooperation built with strategic partners. This program is also expected to reduce the number of pandemic spreads because people's mobility is measurable", he said.

For information, this goceng (IDR 5000) meal program was accompanied by donations in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE), medical masks, medical gloves, vitamin packages, and sponsorship of vaccination activities to the Global Humanity Response Movement of Indonesia Pasti Bisa.