Information About Rizieq Freed In Two Crowd Cases, Lawyer: Possibly Still In Detention

JAKARTA - Rizeq Shihab's lawyer, Sugito Atmo Prawiro said his client should have been released from the Petamburan and Megamendung crowd cases, today, Monday, August 9. However, it is strongly suspected that Rizieq will remain in the detention cell.

"Most likely he will still be detained," said Sugito to VOI, Monday, August 9.

Rizieq continued to be detained, continued Sugito, because there were still cases of swab results from the UMMI Hospital which were still in the appeal process. So, it is very likely that the court will decide that Rizeq will remain in custody.

"There are still cases regarding the UMMI Hospital that have not been completed. Therefore, it is possible that the court will still detain him until the appeal process is completed and there is a decision," said Sugito.

Where, in the case of the swab results of the UMMI Hospital, the East Jakarta District Court found Rizieq Shihab guilty and sentenced him to four years in prison.

Meanwhile, for the Petamburan case, Rizieq has already served eight months in prison in accordance with the decision of the DKI Jakarta High Court.

The detention period has been effective since December 2020. So, right in August, his sentence has been completed.

Likewise for the Megamendung crowd case. Rizieq has paid the witness a fine of Rp20 million according to the decision of the East Jakarta District Court and strengthened by the DKI Jakarta High Court on appeal.

"The detention period has been completed and the fine has been paid," said Sugito.