North Sulawesi Sets A Record For Most Daily Addition Of COVID-19 Cases Today, As Many As 566 People

SULUT - North Sulawesi Province again set a record for most daily cases. Thursday, July 29, the number of COVID-19 cases increased by 566 people. A total of 158 cases were from antigen swab and the rest were from PCR.

A spokesman for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in North Sulawesi, Dr. Steaven Dandel MPH, said that the most cases previously occurred on Sunday, July 25, namely 502 people.

Unlike the previous few days, where daily cases were contributed from all regencies and cities in North Sulawesi. This time minus the Sitaro Islands Regency.

"Three regions contributed more than 100 daily cases of COVID-19, namely Manado City with 170 cases, Tomohon City (102 cases) and North Bolaang Mongondow Regency (101 cases)", said Steaven, quoted by Antara.

Furthermore, Southeast Minahasa Regency has as many as 62 cases, Minahasa Regency (46 cases), North Minahasa Regency (33 cases), from outside the region (14 cases), and Bitung City (13 cases).

South Minahasa Regency with six cases, Kotamobagu City, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency with five cases each, Sangihe Islands Regency (two cases), and Bolaang Mongondow Timur Regency and Talaud Islands Regency with one case each.

Since the first case of COVID-19 was announced by the provincial government in the middle of March 2020, the current accumulated cases have reached 23.327 people.