117 Cases Of Violence Against Women And Children Occur In Southeast Sulawesi

JAKARTA - The Southeast Sulawesi Department of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning (P3APPKB) noted that there were 117 cases of violence experienced by women and children in the area.

Head of the Southeast Sulawesi P3APPKB Service, Andi Tenri Rawe Silondae, said the data was spread across 14 of 17 regencies/cities throughout Southeast Sulawesi from January to June 2021.

"For the number of cases during the first semester of January to June 2021, we have handled 117 cases", he said in Kendari, as reported by Antara, Thursday, July 29.

He conveyed that the number of reports of cases of violence experienced by women and children throughout 2020 was recorded at 240 cases.

Andi Tenri said that three regulations had been made regarding the prevention of cases of violence against women and children, firstly the Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2018 concerning the Protection of Women and Children Victims of Violence.

Second, the Decree of the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Number 87 of 2020 concerning the Establishment of a Task Force for the Crime of Trafficking in Persons

Third, Southeast Sulawesi Governor Regulation Number 71 of 2017 concerning Formation, Position, Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions and Work Procedures of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Office of the DP3APPKB of the Province of Southeast Sulawesi.

"The advocacy that has been made regarding the handling of cases of violence against women and children is advocacy and the establishment of UPTD PPA in 17 districts/cities, secondly advocating the establishment of Task Forces for the Protection of Women and Children in 17 districts/cities," he explained.

According to Andi Tenri, now the public has begun to realize and dare to report any violence they have experienced. So when reporting to the police, the report is inputted into the online information system application (Simphoni) which records all complaints, especially cases of violence against women and children at the Regional Police, Sector Police, Resort Police.

He appealed to all parties to continue to respect women and always protect children from immoral acts.


Head of the Data Division of the Southeast Sulawesi P3APPKB Office, Murdiana explained, the most cases of violence against women and children in Southeast Sulawesi during January-June 2021 were in Baubau City with 17 cases, in Kolaka Regency 16, Kendari City 15, Konawe Regency 14, Buton 10, South Buton and South Konawe nine each, Bombana seven, North Kolaka six, West Muna and Wakatobi four each, North Konawe three, Buton Tengah two, and Muna one.

Meanwhile, the other three regions, namely North Buton Regency, East Kolaka, Konawe Islands, have zero cases.

He said immorality was the dominant form of violence experienced by women and children, followed by physical and psychological violence.

"The most common occurrences are in households with 59 cases, 39 in other places, 12 in public facilities, four in workplaces, and three in schools", he explained.

Of all the reports handled by his party, all were successfully handled either by legal settlement or amicably.