Good News, KKP Donates 5 Tons Of Pufferfish For Bogor City During The Emergency PPKM Period

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Fish Quarantine and Quality Control Agency (BKIPM) provided assistance with five tons of mackerel for the people of Bogor City during the implementation of Emergency PPKM.

The assistance was handed over directly by the Head of the KKP BKIPM, Rina, to the Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Dedie A Rachim, at the Emergency Logistics Post, at the Women's Building, Bogor City, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, July 14.

On that occasion, Dedie A Rachim, accompanied by the Regional Secretary of Bogor City, Syarifah Sofiah, and the President Director of Perumda Pasar Pakuan Jaya Bogor City, Muzakkir.

This assistance of five tons of mackerel is a follow-up to the request of the Bogor City Government to meet the community's food intake during the implementation of this Emergency PPKM.

"Today we gave five tons of fish, hopefully in the future, we can provide more assistance. We will try to find CSR (corporate social responsibility) from fishery entrepreneurs," he said.

Through this fish assistance, it is hoped that it can ease the burden on the people of Bogor City in the implementation of Emergency PPKM. "We have information that many residents of Bogor City have been exposed to COVID-19. Some of their health workers have also been exposed to COVID-19," he said.

Rina explained that mackerel contains Omega 3 higher than salmon. "This fish is a source of protein. Almost anything can be used. If you are good at cooking, all parts can be consumed," he said.

Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Dedie A Rachim, said that the fish aid was part of the basic food aid package for the people of Bogor City who were affected by COVID-19. There are 8,000 fish packages that have been packaged and about 5,000 other fish packages have been distributed to the community.

"The fish aid packages are distributed to residents of Bogor City who are undergoing isoman (self-isolation) and residents who are economically affected by the implementation of Emergency PPKM," he said.