5 Ways To Adjust Your Diet So That Stomach Acid Doesn't Often Relapse

JAKARTA - Acid reflux disease is caused by acid rising from the stomach into the esophagus or esophagus. The origin of the stomach is known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), triggered by irritation of the digestive tract that connects the mouth and stomach.

During a relapse, in general, the stomach feels sore, chest heat or heartburn, frequent belching, nausea, vomiting, and coughing without phlegm.

In order not to relapse often, someone who experiences symptoms of stomach acid needs to adjust his diet. How to? Here's the list.

1. Often eat small portions

If you do not experience symptoms of stomach acid, Indonesian people usually eat three times a day. But for those of you who have symptoms of stomach acid, it is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day but in small portions.

The goal is that stomach acid is produced in a balanced way after eating. Well, what is often a disaster for people with stomach acid is to eat a lot but the time is not regular. This makes the body produce too much stomach acid and causes irritation.

2. Avoid eating before bed

Because after eating the body will produce stomach acid, so do not eat before bed. This can cause stomach acid to rise. It is recommended to wait for three hours after eating, then you can sleep peacefully without causing stomach problems.

3. Recognize the type of food that is abstinent

Foods that are processed by frying in oil tend to trigger acid reflux. This type of food is taboo for people with stomach acid because it is difficult to digest. So it is advisable to eat foods that are steamed, boiled, or baked.

Well, other types of food that are taboo are processed meat or high-fat meat, spicy food, salty food, milk, caffeine, and alcoholic beverages. The safest, stomach acid sufferers consume natural foods without excessive flavor enhancers.

4. Choose a healthy food menu

A healthy diet consists of vegetables, carbohydrates from rice, animal and vegetable protein, and is complemented by fruit. Vegetables that are good for people with stomach acid include broccoli, celery, asparagus, green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, potatoes, and cucumbers.

To meet the body's needs in metabolism, people with stomach acid can consume animal protein from lean meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and seafood. As for the fruit, you can consume bananas and melons.

5. Just drink mineral water

Both for people with stomach acid or not, drinking enough mineral water needs to be fulfilled. The body is sufficiently hydrated to help the body's organs work optimally.

To be sure of the list of foods that are abstinent and allowed to be consumed, you need to consult a nutritionist. Especially if it is followed by other symptoms besides stomach acid.