Workers Who Ride The Commuter Line Are Also Required To Pocket Their STRP During Emergency PPKM

JAKARTA - Essential and critical sector workers are also required to have a worker registration certificate (STRP) during Emergency-Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM).

"So by the latest (rules), We have received a Circular from the Ministry of Transportation Number 50 of 2021 that travelers in Jabodetabek are required to show one of them STRP. By the regulation, public transportation is mandatory for the implementation on KRL (Commuter Line), the Transjabodetabek service for STRP is mandatory for one of the required travel documents", said Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, to reporters, Friday, July 9.

The STRP rules are currently being socialized. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, called Syafrin, has also accelerated the issuance of STRP for those who have applied.

"So currently one of the efforts made by the DKI Provincial Government is that the applicant is the company or the person in charge of the company and includes data from workers in the company so that it is submitted globally but STRP is issued per person", he continued.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transportation stated that in a new circular letter, the people who can ride the KRL later are office workers in essential or critical sectors by including STRP from the regional government and or a letter of assignment signed by the company leadership.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, explained that routine train trips within the agglomeration area must be accompanied by an STRP document or assignment letter signed by the company leader or at least an echelon II official with a wet stamp or electronic signature.

"Adding provisions regarding routine commuter train trips within the agglomeration area only applies to travel for essential and critical sector offices by applicable laws", Adita explained, quoted by Antara.

The government through the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment has clarified the rules for entering work in essential and critical sectors. The fields that become essential sectors are as follows:

a. Finance and banking only includes insurance, banks, pension funds, and

financial institutions.

b. Capital market.

c. Information and communication technology includes cellular operators, data centers, the internet, postal services, media related to the dissemination of information to the public.

d. Hospitality non-quarantine handling.

e. Export-oriented industry where the company must show proof of sample documents for Export Declaration of Goods (PEB) for the last 12 months or other documents that show export plans and are required to have IOMKI (Operational Permit and Mobility of Industrial Activities).

As for critical sectors, the criteria are as follows:

a. Health

b. Public safety and order

c. Energy

d. Logistics, transportation, and distribution especially for the basic needs of the community

e. Food and Beverage and its accessories, including for livestock/pets

f. Petrochemical

g. Cement and building materials

h. National Vital Object

i. National Strategic Project

j. Construction

k. Basic utilities (electricity, water, waste management)