Presidential Security Force Trouble Taking Care Of Bung Karno's Wives

JAKARTA - Being surrounded by beautiful wives is not always 'heaven'. Believe me, the Proclaimer, Soekarno has troublesome stories related to that. Even the Paspampres (Presidential Security Force) under Soekarno was troubled. Their task was not only escorting but also helping Soekarno 'handle' his wives.

Soekarno's allure in the eyes of women is unquestionable. Bung Karno's charisma and sweet words were like a powerful sting to sedate women, even from the very first meeting. And Bung Karno's most important capital was knowing how to treat women.

Soekarno did not hesitate to take their own drinks or hold their hands when getting out of the car. Bung Karno was also not stingy with compliments, especially on the appearance of women. Bung Karno is portrayed as an love loving figure. He loves himself, the people, the country, the arts, and of course beautiful women.

Bung Karno's association with beautiful women started at a very young age. He had fallen in love with Dutch noni-noni at the age of 14 years. Even though his love was unsustainable, Bung Karno still viewed every encounter with a beautiful woman as a blessing of luck.

Bung Karno even longed to meet beautiful women from birth. Similar to the plaque depicting the birth of a figure from Greek mythology, Hercules, at the Bogor Palace. "In Bogor, there is an embossed plaque made of pure white marble, which depicts the birth of Hercules".

"He was hanging in the alleyway leading to the state reception. This plaque shows the baby Hercules in his mother's lap surrounded by 14 beautiful women — all naked," Soekarno was quoted as saying by Cindy Adams in Bung Karno's book: Bung Karno: Penyambung Lidah Rakyat Indonesia (1967).

“Just imagine, how happy it is to be born in the midst of 14 beautiful women like this! However, Soekarno was not as lucky as Hercules. When I was born, no one would take me into his arms, except for a grandfather who was too old", he added.

Maybe Soekarno was not as lucky as Hercules when he was born. But when he grew up Sukarno was far beyond Hercules. Hercules, in Greek mythology only had four wives: Megara, Omphale, Deianera, and Hebe. While Soekarno excelled with nine wives.

Soekarno (Source:

They are Siti Oetari, Inggit Garnasih, Fatmawati, Hartini, Yurike Sanger, Haryati, Kartini Manoppo, Ratna Sari Dewi, to Heldy Djafar. Several of Soekarno's marriages ended in divorce. But some wives still maintain the marriage.

In the middle of the journey, Bung Karno realized that having many beautiful wives was in fact so troublesome. The wives were often stricken with jealousy. And the relationship between Bung Karno's wives was not going well.

"Therefore, it is not surprising that Hartini scolded Haryati to the fullest when Bung Karno married. Similarly, when Bung Karno married Yurike Sanger and Ratna Sari Dewi (formerly Naoko Nemoto). Reportedly, Bung Karno's marriage to a Japanese woman was only recognized by Hartini after they had been married for 10 years."

"Just as Hartini was furious to hear that Bung Karno married Haryati, so was Fatmawati's anger towards Hartini's marriage. Therefore, Fatmawati decided to leave the Palace," wrote a Tempo Magazine report entitled Orang di Sisi Kanan Bung Karno (1986).

Paspampres special task

When he had four wives -- Hartini, Haryati, Yurike Sanger, and Ratna Sari Dewi -- was the peak of Bung Karno's troubles. The high fire of jealousy between his wives made the Proclaimer rack his brain. Bung Karno's wives were always suspicious of where Sang Fajar's son went after office hours were over.

At that time Bung Karno began to divide his time for his wives. Paspampres was then given additional tasks. They had to help Bung Karno compile lies if Bung Karno's wives asked this question.

Bung Karno told his aides that having many wives was not easy, including honesty. Bung Karno knew very well that a wife could forgive her husband's many mistakes.

But regarding the ‘affair’, "Zij kan wel vergeven maar nooit vergeten (he can forgive him but will never forget it).

“Once in the car, Bung Karno had just left the house of one wife and headed for the house of the other. Bung Karno said: Bro, let's see if I'm tidy? That means that I have to really pay attention to whether there is lipstick on Bung Karno's face or his clothes".

"Also is there a striking and suspicious smell of perfume. If there is something wrong, it must be cleaned quickly before reaching the wife's destination. If necessary, go back to the Merdeka Palace to take a shower and change clothes", the story of Bung Karno's personal aide, Bambang Widjanarko in the book Sewindu Dekat Bung Karno (1988).

Bung Karno also often asked Paspampres to sabotage the cars of his wives. Sabotage is usually carried out if there is an event that has the potential to be attended simultaneously by Bung Karno's wives. Something worked. Sometimes not.

Like the story of Soekarno who flew with Haryati alias Pentul after visiting West Irian in 1963. After the visit, Bung Karno had given instructions to the Paspampres to arrest his other wife at Kemayoran Airport.

Unfortunately, Hartini then came to welcome her husband. Seeing her husband with Pentul, Hartini immediately burst into tears. Bung Karno, don't ask. The Son of the Dawn was instantly filled with anger.

“When the presidential plane arrived at Kemayoran on May 6 from West Irian, the only woman on the airplane was Pentul. Unfortunately, Hartini was in Kemayoran to welcome her husband's arrival. Hartini had tears in his eyes, while the president was furious".

"The situation became more complicated because Hartini was in the R-1 car. While Pentul followed in the rear car. That day was the day Hartini set foot in the State Palace for the first time", concluded Rosihan Anwar in the book Sejarah Kecil “Petite Histoire” Indonesia Jilid 5 (2012).

*Read other information about SOEKARNO or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada