Armand Maulana: Want The COVID-19 Pandemic To End Soon? Praying Is Not Enough

JAKARTA - Indonesia is currently being hit by the COVID-19 storm. Hospitals are full, the number of deaths is increasing, the number of victims is increasing, oxygen cylinders are scarce, so the government has to impose an Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM).

Armand Maulana as a survivor of COVID-19, Armand hopes that this condition can be overcome soon. Moreover, the vocalist of the GIGI Band has just lost the figure of Manager Aria Baron.

"If we look at the pandemic, we can't say one by one, but we must unite. I'm not defending the government. But any government, if its citizens don't work together, even if they are still fighting over hoaxes, then the pandemic will not over soon", he said during a conversation with VOI some time ago.

As a Muslim, the father of one child believes that this pandemic is an unavoidable destiny. "It's true that we pray to God, but if we don't do something, we can't get over this situation", he said.

Armand gave an example of how Singapore and America could control the pandemic thanks to the government's efforts, which were fully supported by their citizens.

"We can see how Singapore, America, have now recovered. Football has an audience, concerts can have spectators. It means that the government's decision is really made by its citizens", he said.

Armand added that the existence of conspiracy stories also added to the difficulty of Indonesia getting out of the pandemic. "I'm surprised that people are fussing about the COVID-19 conspiracy. Yes, it's up to you whether you want a conspiracy or what, but this virus already exists. Like influenza, DB, typhoid. If there is, we must try to overcome it", he hoped.